janet @ the taste space

Moroccan Tomato Chili Chutney

In Sides on September 19, 2012 at 6:44 AM

When I go travelling, I love to take cooking classes. When I went to Morocco, I took a lovely private cooking class in Marrakesh, with the chef from a near riad. We made a sampling of traditional Moroccan mezes (tomato jam, stuffed zucchini and zaalouk), two entrees (apricot and lamb tagine and chicken bastilla) and milk bastilla for dessert (photos from Casa and Marrakesh here, from the desert and Fes/Meknes).

We toured around Morocco, and when we arrived in Fes, it was rainy. Since most of our activities were outdoors, I contemplated doing yet another cooking class at a local restaurant. Instead, we opted to eat lunch there and I bought their cookbook, Clock Book, to take home.

A few months later, I went vegan. You wouldn’t think it, but Morocco was quite meat-heavy.  With so many flavourful vegetarian options on the web, you’d think they would be easy to find in Morocco. Not so.

Of the dishes from the cooking class, the mezes were vegan-friendly. I can’t seem to remember where I put my recipe for tomato jam, but it is unlike any jam you might think you know. Slowly simmered tomatoes are infused with cinnamon, sweetener and topped with sesame seeds.

However, this leads me to this month’s Random Recipe which was to randomly pick a tea time treat. I have a few cookbooks, but none with a section for tea treats, so I randomly flipped through cookbooks until I found a tea-appropriate treat. That’s when I pulled out Clock Book and it fell open to this Tomato and Chili Chutney, very reminiscent of tomato jam, although definitely more of a chutney with the vinegar. The cookbook paired it with fried crispy squid but like tomato jam, I figured it would be nice with a simple bread or cracker. I am a sucker for cinnamon, and paired with tomato and a sharp vinegary bite with a touch of heat from the red chiles, this was a unique chutney.

While I halved the recipe, it still made a lot (around 2 cups), so we will see how it combines with Indian snacks, too.

This is my submission to this week’s Weekend Wellness, to Eat, Make, Grow and to Random Recipes and Tea Time Treats.

Moroccan Tomato Chili Chutney
Adapted from Clock Book

8 ripe Roma tomatoes, diced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 hot red chilies (mine were dried, and I deseeded them)
1 cinnamon sticks
2.5 tbsp sugar
150 mL red wine vinegar

1. In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients.

2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes. Mash tomatoes into a chutney consistency if they haven’t wilted down yet.

3. Enjoy right away, or store in the fridge for 2 weeks.

Makes a scanty 2 cups.

  1. Is this what you were wanting the boxes of tomatoes for? Or was it creative use? Either way, looks delicious! Can’t wait to get into canning when I get back home 🙂 Thank you for posting this – it reminds me that I need to try and find some English cooking classes here in Korea!

    • Nah, my main tomato love was my simple tomato puree that I canned but I made oodles of tomato dishes, too. This being just one of them!

      Ooh, yeah! Korean cooking classes would be a great idea. I bet a rice cooker would be useful for many things other than rice, too…. unless you were holding out for a local source of quinoa. 😉 Hard enough to find in Colombia, right next door to Bolovia, but you never know what lies in Korea!! 🙂

  2. Oh my goodness this sounds amazing Janet! How are you so creative?

    That surprises me veg dishes were hard to find in Morocco! Just goes to show you our culture picks and chooses what we like from other cultures and North American-izes it 😉

    Either way, this looks delicious!

    • There were still some veg-dishes but when we found them they weren’t even that tasty. We went to 2 veg restos which were good… definitely craving the veg after so many meat-centric dishes back then. 😛

  3. After taking a cooking class in Chile, I will never again travel somewhere without having that experience.

    I love Moroccan food – adding that bit of cinnamon really completes the dish!

  4. Taking cooking classes on vacation is a really great idea! (I say this as someone who gets extremely restless without a project in hand–a less than ideal personality for vacationing.) Where better to learn a regional cuisine than actually in that region?

    • I really liked the Moroccan class because we learned from the chef of a nearby riad/B&B so she taught us all the good food she made for the guests. It was nice because we went shopping for ingredients at the local market and I bought a tagine… at the local’s price.. only $2!! 🙂

  5. I was going to make a tomato chutney this weekend, but have now decided to make a tomato onion curry instead. This looks like a wonderful recipe! 🙂 I love Moroccan food almost as much as I love Indian.

  6. I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever taken a cooking class! It would be so much fun though – and I would LOOOOVE a Moroccan class – especially for $2!!!!!!!!!!.

  7. I would LOVE this on my tea time table, with some sharp Cheddar cheese and some home-made bread! A FABULOUS recipe thanks for the combined challenges of Tea Time Treats and Random Recipes! Karen

  8. Oh I love a tomato jam in any form or flavour and this Moroccan style is really calling to me. Lovely entry. Thank you.

  9. […] from The Taste Space made some Moroccan Tomato Chili Chutney tells us….”This month’s Random Recipe which was to randomly pick a tea time treat. I […]

  10. Looks really lovely – chutney is such a labour of love to make but so worth it in the end!

  11. […] Moroccan Tomato Chutney Image by jazzijava This is packed with an intense amount of spices, but none of them overpower the other. The tomatoes soak up the goodness and melt into a delicious, thick topper for toast, rice or your favourite protein (including eggs and grilled Halloumi!). Inspired by the blog "The Taste Space" – tastespace.wordpress.com/2012/09/19/moroccan-tomato-chili… […]

  12. […] Moroccan Tomato Chutney Image by jazzijava This is packed with an intense amount of spices, but none of them overpower the other. The tomatoes soak up the goodness and melt into a delicious, thick topper for toast, rice or your favourite protein (including eggs and grilled Halloumi!). Inspired by the blog "The Taste Space" – tastespace.wordpress.com/2012/09/19/moroccan-tomato-chili… […]

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