janet @ the taste space

Archive for June, 2017|Monthly archive page

Tropical Cabbage Salad with Pineapple and Cashews

In Salads on June 25, 2017 at 8:32 PM

Pineapple Sesame Cabbage Salad2.jpg

Oh my, it has been a while. I left the blog to go on vacation, returned back home but never returned to the blog. I used to be thrilled if I posted once a week, now I might be thrilled if it were once a month!  I am certainly no super-mom, and definitely not a super-blogger. Mostly just trying to keep everyone fed and (mostly) rested.

This month we celebrated baby P’s first birthday. I can’t believe both how quickly the time passed, and also how much we’ve been through during the year. How much help we needed and how family helped to rally behind us when we needed them the most. Read the rest of this entry »