janet @ the taste space

Archive for July, 2016|Monthly archive page

Creamy Summer Cajun Soup

In Mains (Vegetarian), Soups on July 31, 2016 at 4:34 PM

Creamy Summer Cajun Soup

This summer we’ve been eating a lot of soups and stews. It could have been that we were immune to the hot weather, as we spent the majority of it in an air conditioned NICU. Or, more likely, that we’ve been making up for lost time and stocking our freezer with extra food.  We have fully adopted making a second batch of a recipe and freezing half. Soups and stews are great for that. Read the rest of this entry »

Smoky Tofu Sandwiches

In Mains (Vegetarian) on July 23, 2016 at 12:48 PM

Smoky Tofu Sandwiches

Wow, it is incredible what a bit of sleep can do for you.

The good news is that Baby P is now home from the NICU but he has grown up enough such that his previous 3 hour around the clock feeding schedule didn’t come home with him. It was closer to every 2 hours when we were discharged home and let me tell you, when feeding can take 30-45 minutes and followed by a 20 minute pumping session, this doesn’t leave a lot of time before the cycle resumes once again. Read the rest of this entry »