janet @ the taste space

Avocado and Sauerkraut Salad with a Creamy Miso-Ginger Dressing

In Favourites, Salads on June 25, 2013 at 5:17 AM

Avocado and Sauerkraut Salad with a Creamy Miso-Ginger Dressing

And we’re off!

Rob and I packed up all our things and are currently en route, road trip-style, to Houston. I have a few travel-themed recipes this week, as we drive across the country (down the country would be more accurate). 3000 km (over 1800mi). We have a lot of ground to cover.

I made a few travel snacks to bring with me (will be sharing throughout the next few weeks), and while I have tracked down a vegan restaurant in each city for dinner, I plan on eating simple meals throughout the day.

Avocado and Sauerkraut Salad with a Creamy Miso-Ginger Dressing

I brainstormed before I left. What can I easily find at grocery stores? What would pack well? For some reason, I kept returning to salads with avocado and lemon. Easy, peasy. Throw in some nuts/seeds, cooked beans or tofu as an easy protein. And then I decided sauerkraut would be a wonderful addition, too.

Not wanting to simplify my meals too soon, I knew I didn’t want to wait to try out an avocado and sauerkraut salad. With my current kitchen a few weeks ago, I had the liberty of making a more complex salad dressing, so I ran with it. A creamy miso dressing with a zip from ginger and the tang from apple cider vinegar. That creaminess? Not nuts: nutritional yeast. I imagine avocado would be nice pureed into the dressing as well, but I left it in chunks for the salad. Paired with the salty sauerkraut and crunchy sunflower seeds, this was delicious.

What are your favourite easy travel-friendly meals?

Avocado and Sauerkraut Salad with a Creamy Miso-Ginger Dressing

This is my submission to Deb for this week’s Souper Sundays and to this week’s Raw Food Thursdays.

Avocado and Sauerkraut Salad with a Creamy Miso-Ginger Dressing
Adapted from Ani’s 15-Day Fat Blast

1 cup sauerkraut (I am partial to Bubbie’s sauerkraut)
1 avocado
2 tbsp sunflower seeds (or nuts/seeds of choice)
mixed greens (or greens of choice)

1 tsp oil (I used Vega’s antioxidant EFA oil blend)
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp white miso
1/4-1/2 tsp grated ginger, or to taste
1 tsp Braggs or low-sodium soy sauce
1 tsp nutritional yeast

1. Make your dressing by whisking oil, vinegar, miso, ginger, Braggs/soy sauce and nutritional yeast together. Mine was pretty thick, so thin it to your desired consistency. I liked mine goopy.

2. Assemble with greens, sauerkraut, avocado and sunflower seeds. Dollop with dressing.

Serves 2.

  1. Safe travels!!! I’m so excited you’re stopping through my town. 🙂

  2. Houston! I never visited there when I was in Texas. Also good call with the sauerkraut, I’m not sure if it’s my Ukrainian heritage but I could eat that stuff daily…and pretty much do, ha ha. In the future when I travel, I’m going to be more adventurous like this – in the past it’s been sammiches, homemade larabars, hummus and veggies. Happy road tripping!

  3. This is so unique with the sauerkraut! Can’t believe you are still blogging in the midst of a major move. We actually would understand if you need to go on hiatus for a few weeks…

  4. Happy move! I hope everything goes well on your trip south. 🙂 Sauerkraut on a salad? I would never have thought. Must try!

  5. Looks delicious. Definitely going to give this a try soon 🙂

  6. Good luck for your trip! Sounds super exciting and hopefully you’ll find some good food en route 🙂
    Salad looks great, believe it or not I’ve never tried sauerkraut! I’m sure I’d love it though.

  7. happy travels – you sound very organised – love the sound of this because I think this is the first time I have seen sauerkraut in a salad – that has opened up my horizons! I think baked beans are my easiest travel food – or sushi or a packet of crackers with some hummus and vegies (hmm sounds like lunches here)

    • Hey Johanna, Those sound like ultimate decadent travel foods! I find nori gets a bit soggy if left for more than a day but I love the idea of baked beans… because if hummus is a travel food (it always is packed), baked beans should be too! 🙂

  8. You sound so organised with your food planning – I’m sure you’ll be grateful when the travel starts! This looks great and like Johanna above I’ve never heard of sauekraut in a salad before. Intriguing 🙂

  9. I wouldn’t have thought of avocado and sauerkraut together in a salad but I can see how that works and the dressing sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays and participating even while traveling! 😉

  10. Avocado and sauerkraut are 2 of my favourite salad ingredients! Totally a go-to for me too 🙂

  11. I love that we’re living parallel lives with our moves. Road tripping for 2 days was challenging, but we planned our meal stops at Whole Foods salad bars! It was perfect! Now we’re staying with family, all possessions in a storage unit awaiting our new home. What an adventure, right?

  12. […] used Janet’s recipe for my maiden sauerkraut voyage. I know I love salads, so if the sauerkraut failed to please me at […]

  13. Eating this right now! I had arugula and I wanted to eat sauerkraut, while googling I found your recipe. Luckily I had all the ingredients and it was super simple. I found the dressing a bit too tangy, would more nutritional yeast have helped? Anyway, good, healthy recipe thay satisfies those cravings!

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