janet @ the taste space

Tarragon Green Bean and White Bean Salad

In Mains (Vegetarian), Salads on October 17, 2011 at 6:19 AM

As far as I know, my Dad is still alive. You see, he threw a surprise party for my mom.

This was a real surprise for her because well, it wasn’t her birthday. No date in the calendar that would tip her off that 35 of her closest family and friends would gather in Ottawa for her.

In fact, she thought she was going to to be driving down to Toronto for the weekend. Did I have any plans? she asked. Of course not! I knew that while I wouldn’t meet her in my kitchen, I would be sharing breakfast with her that weekend. In Ottawa, instead of Toronto.

For months, my Dad had plotted and schemed.

He kind of needed that long because he was down to one working hand. After a broken wrist, and slicing through a handful of fingers, my Dad had to be a master to make chicken skewers without my Mom figuring things out… nevermind the 3 cakes and couscous salad he also made.

My brother and sister-in-law were in charge of appetizers, whereas I was the Salad and Dip Queen.

I tried to follow my mom’s salad party suggestions: 1 leafy green salad and 1 bean or grain salad. However, since we were feeding 35 people, my Dad asked me to diversify with more salads rather than fewer salads.

I mixed up both new and old recipes, and all but one was a hit, so I thought I would share them this week since I had a few requests for the recipes.

For the leafy green salad, I kind of went along with what my Dad had lying around at home… Romaine was thrown together with strawberries, almonds and a maple-based vinaigrette. It was gone before I even made it to the buffet line. Someone had actually already removed the bowl before I was there, it was finito.

For the heartier salads, I had a no-brainer up my sleeve: the 11-Spice Lentil Salad with Capers and Currants. I have made it so often, and now that my family has tried it, I can’t think of anyone who has not sampled it. It will have to be retired for a bit… at least until potluck season picks up again next summer.

Since Sarah’s lentil salad was such a hit, I thought it would be great to try another one of her salads for the party. She had a lovely tarragon string bean salad that caught my eye. I hesitated about bringing another bean salad to the party, especially with tarragon, but once I tasted it I knew it would be alright. Green beans aren’t so scary, are they?

This salad was simple. Lightly steamed green beans were paired with Great Northern white beans in a light tarragon vinaigrette. Like most of Sarah’s recipes, I decreased the oil, and in the hubbub of the party, I forgot to add the toasted hazelnuts. No worries, though, because the salad was gobbled up.

This is my submission to Deb for this week’s Souper Sundays, to Ricki’s Wellness Weekend and to this month’s My Legume Love Affair, hosted by Suma.

Tarragon Green Bean and White Bean Salad

4 cups green beans, trimmed
1.5 cups cooked white beans (I used Great Northern, but pick your favourite bean)
2 shallots, finely chopped
1/4 cup fresh tarragon, chopped
1/2 cup hazelnuts or almonds, toasted and chopped (I forgot to add these! but it was great even without it)
salt and pepper, to taste

2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 tbsp maple syrup
2 tsp strong mustard
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Pinch sea salt

1. Steam green beans for 3 to 5 minutes until crispy (do not over steam!). When done, remove from heat and rinse in cold water and place in a large bowl.

2. Combine oil, maple syrup, mustard, vinegar and salt and whisk to combine.

3. Combine green beans with white beans, shallots and tarragon. Add in dressing and season with salt and pepper, to taste. If possible, allow to marinade at least overnight.

4. Just prior to serving, top with chopped nuts. If you remember.

Serves 6.

  1. Mmmmmm. I can’t wait to try this!!

  2. What a lovely salad. No wonder it was a hit!

  3. […] nearly all the salads were polished off at my Mom’s party (trust me, I was not-so-secretly cheering that more meat was leftover than salads!), I can’t […]

  4. I like how fresh and delicious this one looks and sounds. Crisp green beans are so good. Thanks for sharing with Souper Sundays. 😉

  5. Green beans aren’t scary at all! I’d be super excited to see this salad at a potluck! 🙂

  6. The salad sounds simple and yummy. Thaks for the lovely entry.

  7. […] the same vegetables can get boring. I would probably pick green beans. While I have made some great dishes with them, I don’t find them that versatile. Zucchini, on the other, doesn’t taste like […]

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