janet @ the taste space

Rosemary Mushroom Risotto

In Mains (Vegetarian), Sides on March 24, 2013 at 8:56 AM

Do you ever reminisce about the glory days?

Back when I could juggle everything. Back when I didn’t have to crack down on studying?

I never seem to have enough time these days. I can’t study the way I used to. It is harder now.

I feel more liberated in the kitchen, though, with help from Rob and a wealth of favourite recipes. A choice of dressing and 1 or 2 other dishes makes my weekly cooking complete.

While I have moved my herbs indoors over the winter (and most of them died, boo), I never really felt like I had enough thyme this summer, either. My grilled portobello mushrooms with garlic and thyme were a common sighting at barbecues and many of my dishes use thyme (lemon-kissed tomato barley risotto, tomato-pomegranate vinaigrette, etc). My piddly thyme plant was nearly always being scavenged.

I thought I planned for success in the rosemary department, because I have 3 plants. But I never seem to have enough rosemary, either! One batch of Rosemary Pistachio Hummus, and my plants are wiped clean.   A month later, I may try again. Thankfully this week, I had enough to make this rosemary mushroom risotto. Another great dish from Tess.

An uber simple dish, this is a creamy brown rice side speckled with oyster mushrooms focusing on a strong garlic-rosemary flavour. How easy is this? Toss everything into a pot. Don’t worry about the mushrooms if they aren’t pre-sliced, add them in 10 minutes later, no problem. While the rice is boiling, pluck your rosemary and have it ready for when the rice is finished. {Or if you are like me, you can make a whole other quickie-meal while waiting for the brown rice to cook!}

Cooking the rice in almond milk makes this creamy but using the seasoning makes this still taste like it was boiled in a flavourful vegetable broth. I didn’t feel like it needed more than 1 tbsp of oil, but Tess suggests adding more. This isn’t your typical risotto, as the rice still had a bit of bite (which I enjoyed for texture), but certainly a heck of a lot easier and a lot healthier without any cheese or butter.

This is my submission to this month‘s Herbs on Saturday.

Rosemary Mushroom Risotto
Adapted from Radiance 4 Life

1.5 cups short grain brown rice, rinsed
4 cups plain nondairy milk (I used almond milk)
3 tbsp Chicky baby seasoning (or bouillon seasoning), or to taste (or substitute with 2.5 tbsp nutritional yeast and spices such as onion and garlic granules, lemon pepper, parsley, etc with some salt)
2 cups sliced mushrooms (I used oyster mushrooms)
2 tbsp pressed garlic (16 cloves, YES!)
1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil (or more, to taste)
3/4 tsp ground black pepper
2 tbsp fresh rosemary, minced
salt, to taste
2 tbsp pine nuts, toasted (optional)

1. In a large pot over medium-high heat, place rice, nondairy milk, Chicky baby seasoning, mushrooms, garlic, oil and black pepper. Stir and bring to a boil.

2. Once boiling, cover and simmer for 45-60 minutes, until the liquid has been nearly all absorbed and the rice is cooked through.

3. Remove from heat, stir in the rosemary and add salt to taste. Garnish with pine nuts and a sprig of rosemary, if desired.

Serves 4-6 as a side.

  1. What is more soothing and comforting that a good risotto? This one looks heavenly.

  2. this would also be great with barley instead of brown rice. It has a wonderful chewy texture and is lovely with mushrooms.

  3. Now there’s an idea for a quick supper. I have mushrooms, I have almond milk – dashes off to the kitchen …….

  4. this will be a perfect meal to carry on to leftovers for lunches : ) Thank!

  5. I’ve been on the lookout for brown rice vegan risotto recipes! And mushrooms are one of my food loves.

  6. Oh my gosh, if only we were both in Canberra. My parents’ rosemary bush has been plotting world domination ever since I can remember. We could make endless Rosemary Mushroom Risotto.

    • Your backyard must smell incredible! I have heard of so-called “rosemary bushes” but I just happen to have multiple small measly rosemary plants. 😛 And of course, if i had a big rosemary bush, I probably wouldn’t want to make as many rosemary dishes… Just like me and dill… can’t seem to grow it but I love using it. 🙂

  7. It’s a very recent thing but I also constantly feel like I don’t have enough time to do anything! Risotto is definitely something that takes too long for a regular weeknight but this recipe looks too good not to make.

  8. Now, this is EXACTLY the kind of dinner I want to eat, but very rarely get–not because of time contraints, but because I am the only mushroom-lover in the house. (Or I guess it is sort of because of time constraints, considering how much time it would take to make multiple dinners…) Cooking the rice in almond milk sounds super intriguing!

    • I know what you mean because my parents hate mushrooms. I once made a mushroom barley risotto for them and I think I had gags because it was too mushroomy for them. Oyster mushrooms are pretty tame but probably for mushrooms lovers only. I like this one because it is so simple and hands off. 😉

  9. […] Bulgur with Kale – Fast and Forbidden Fried Rice – Immune Boon Noodles – Almost Raw Quinoa Toss – Rosemary Mushroom Risotto, aka Rustic Rebel Risotto – Hungarian Chickpeas (recipe elsewhere) – Pineapple Tempeh with Red Rice […]

  10. Woohoo!! A mushroom risotto without cream OR cheese OR wine!! Thank you!! It’s vegan, too 🙂 you’ve made my day ((or night, as it is here..))!! You’re awesome :).

  11. Something about the earthiness of mushrooms that totally has me swooning lately, I can’t get enough! If only we could all have an endless supply of herbs. Or should I say, and exactly appropriate amount. I always seem to have not enough, or too much that I have to make an emergency pesto or something to that effect!

  12. I made your tasty mushroom risotto & loved every bite of it! So good, so tasty too! 🙂 x
    I used 3 types of mushrooms in here: catherelles, brown mushrooms & girolles!

  13. I’ve made this dish three times in two days!!! So simple yet filling and hearty! The second and third time around, I added peas (to one batch) and grilled asparagus (to another batch) and it was incredible!!! This is definitely a keeper!

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