janet @ the taste space

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (No Bake)

In Desserts on August 10, 2013 at 6:15 AM

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

I have discovered the secret to living in Houston’s summer. You need to fall into one of these two groups of people:

1. The people who wake up early before the sun rises

2. The people who stay up late after the sun sets

Rob and I have been exploring Houston by bicycle on the weekends. At 7am, we’ll cycle the deserted streets, only to find the paths at the parks literally packed with joggers and walkers. We must be thinking along the same lines: if you are going to be outdoors, best to do it before the sweltering heat arrives.

We quickly learned that Houston is wonderful after sunset. Many public events start late in the day, again to beat the heat.

The problem is trying to fit into category 1 and 2, on the same day. Suffice it to say, after a long bike ride in the morning, I was almost asleep mid-way through a Shakespeare in the Park production later that evening. The comfortable, balmy weather was a bit too conducive to napping. We didn’t even last past the intermission, HA! It was a splendid day, though.

Speaking of cycling in the Houston heat, it is very, very important to keep hydrated and fuelled. Even short runs are more demanding. This is a portable snack recipe I promised a while back. I whipped them up with the odds and ends in my mom’s kitchen before we left for our cycle to Kingston. I must have had some forethought because I remember bringing the coconut flour with me. My master plan for a chocolate date and peanut butter combo was thwarted because the dough was just too runny. But the magic of coconut flour did the trick. It is a very thirsty flour, so it sopped up the batter into portable chewy balls. The peanut butter made them rich and decadent, balanced by the sweetness of the dates and cocoa flavour.

A treat like this is perfect for fuelling during long rides. While our weekend rides are more around 50km now; in this heat, we feel like it gets a conversion factor of 1.5x for intensity.  We are still a long way from the MS 150, but we’re hoping to improve our distance as the weather improves…. you know, in October, when it is supposed to cool down.

Are you a morning person, a night person, both or neither?

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls

This is my submission to this month’s We Should Cocoa for truffles.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (Almost Raw, No Bake)

1 cup pitted dates
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup cocoa powder
3 tbsp coconut flour
salt, to taste (depends on your peanut butter)

1. In a food processor, combine dates, peanut butter and cocoa powder until smooth. Add coconut flour gradually, until you reach your desired consistency (ie, more dry, less wet). Add salt, to taste. Roll into balls.

Makes 10 balls.

  1. these look great and I can imagine they would be great on rides. We are all night owls in our house and I think we would up all night and sleep all day if only we didn’t have things to get up for the next morning – though a 7am ride sounds good to me too if only I could get organised to get up for one

  2. Perfect little bites! We often make stuff like this for our lunchboxes/ snacks too. I am most definitely a morning person, but hubby is a night owl. Luckily, we manage to meet in the middle 🙂

  3. Heh. Wombat droppings.

    I can make myself a morning person if need be, and do enjoy that feeling of an endless day before me to fill up, but considering I haven’t fallen asleep before midnight (except when very sick, and even then I’m usually up until 10:30 or 11pm) in about six years… my body and soul tends to “wake up” at night.

  4. I used to be a morning person but have shifted to a night person. I’m trying to revert to my old ways though! Maybe you should start taking a siesta, Spanish-style to cope with the heat?
    Date/Nut balls are one of my go-to snacks, especially chocolate ones 🙂 I haven’t done PB in them before but it’s got to be tasty.

    • Ooooh, interesting. During my studying phase, I ended up waking up later but totally back into the early morning and early to bed routine these days. It helps that I really enjoy the early gym classes. I tried to do 5:45am gym classes but that was WAY TOO EARLY!

  5. I’m definitely a morning person. My husband is definitely a night person. We do sometimes find ourselves faced with that challenge of trying to combine your (1) and (2) 🙂 I’d eat these truffle balls any time of day though!

    • Rob slowly converted to an early riser. When we met, we had a 3 hour difference in the morning and now it is more like 30 mins to an hour. He usually makes an effort to give me a hug before I run away in the morning. We both fall asleep very early though. 🙂

  6. I am almost certainly a morning person also! Early AM long runs happen constantly these days and I could certainly use these balls for fuel!

  7. I love easy, tasty, healthy snacks like these! When it comes to exercise I’m definitely more of a night person – I don’t know how you have the energy for those bike rides so early in the morning!

  8. Ha – I am totally an early morning riser… which means I’m usually falling asleep before 10pm ;p
    These look super tasty. I’m all about portable snacks =)

  9. Oh my goodness these sound so tasty! Going to try them tonight! Been thinking of new snacks for work. Thanks 🙂

  10. Mmm I’m a firm believer that the combination of chocolate and peanut butter is a marriage made in heaven. These chocolate peanut butter balls sounds superb, and I love that they are refined-sugar free and no bake too! Thank you for sharing your lovely recipe with We Should Cocoa!

  11. I’m a daylight person! That means I get a lot done in summer but very little in winter. 😊

    These treats look just right for a warm and active dsy. Can’t go wrong with pb and chocolate for a little pick-me-up!

    • That’s a nice way to live! Of course, in Canada, the winters would be torture – sometimes it is dark at 4:30pm. Although in the summer, it is fabulous since the sun rises at 5am! Houston is a bit more steady, but I still rise before the sun since it is a bit hot for my liking during the summer 🙂

  12. I am both a morning and evening person- maybe that’s why I get so tired 😉 I love the possibility of a whole day ahead of me, but also like the idea of an evening full of possibility and mystery. Ah well….I’ll sleep when I’m dead right?

  13. […] addition to cycling through Houston, Rob and I are also discovering Houston, one grocer at a time. After chowing through our organic […]

  14. […] 2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls from The Taste Space: […]

  15. Oh yum, these sound the perfect treat for a bike ride. I’ve made something very similar with cashew nuts, but these are sounding even more tempting. Thanks for entering them into We Should Cocoa.

    I’m very much a morning person and am virtually fit for nothing come the evening, which isn’t great for social events.

  16. […] they were better than my typical date balls I bring cycling. At first, I felt bad for my date balls, but then took it as a compliment that these were just really […]

  17. […] (via Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (No Bake) | the taste space) […]

  18. […] 3. Get used to the heat, quickly. Stay indoors. Use the air conditioner. Do not go outside between 9am and 5pm. […]

  19. […] These would also make a nice snack while cycling/exercising – a nice change of pace from date-based […]

  20. […] just as I stepped (pedalled) home: Holy Moley Veggie and Rice Soup and corn tortillas followed by Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls. Actually, the order was reversed, we ate the dessert as an appetizer while we waited for the […]

  21. […] Day? I reneged on my promise to make dessert. Rob had no problem coming up with an alternative. In fact, he was happy when I said I didn’t have the time to make my dessert of choice. He […]

  22. […] dark chocolate and lime sounds divine! *** No-bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls by Janet from The Taste Space Janet whipped up these vegan no bake treats using dates, peanut butter, cocoa powder and coconut […]

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