janet @ the taste space

Roasted Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette

In Salads on July 9, 2012 at 5:42 AM

Unbeknownst to me, this will be the week of salad.

I enjoy pre-planning my meals for the week. I don’t stray too far from my typical weekly batch of steel cut oats, a bean dish and vegetable/grain dish and a soup or salad. My menu is first and foremost based on what I have in my fridge that needs to be eaten sooner rather than later and after that, what is on sale at the store. I had a menu, but it was abandoned with gusto.

On Friday, my friends came over bearing fresh lettuce. They gifted me two massive heads of lettuce from their rooftop garden (local, organic gardening, at its finest), and I couldn’t refuse. This isn’t the first time I have been gifted perishable food items but at least lettuce is quite flexible with its use. (I have yet to venture into cooked lettuce, so I will be trying to use it in fresh salads)

After making the Blueberry Vanilla Chia Jam, I was plotting to make a version with balsamic-roasted strawberries. While I gobbled down the majority of the blueberry jam solely on a spoon, I figured a salad dressing might be more appropriate with my new-found lettuce acquisition.

So here we are with a delicious dressing. Fresh strawberries are delicious and their sweetness is intensified with the caramelization from roasting. While I have baked and macerated strawberries before, I never thought to roast them. Here, they are combined with balsamic vinegar and hazelnut oil with savoury undertones from thyme, rosemary and garlic. Serve it with your favourite greens. I topped my salad here with yellow beans (Rancho Gordo‘s Yellow Indian Woman) and cucumber, but feel free to use whatever you have laying around in your fridge!

This is my submission to this week’s Summer Salad Sundays, to this week’s Wellness Weekend and to Deb for this week’s Souper Sundays.

Roasted Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette
Adapted from Rosemarried

2 cups ripe strawberries, washed, destemmed and halved
1 clove garlic
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp hazelnut oil (or oil of choice)
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp fresh thyme
1/2 tsp fresh rosemary
sweetener, to taste (I added a few drops of Stevia)
salt and pepper, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400F. Prepare your strawberries as the oven preheats. Place the strawberries, outsides down, on a silpat-lined baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes until roasted and caramelized. Remove and allow to cool.

2. Once cooled, place remaining ingredients into a blend and combine well. Adjust oil, water, sweetener, salt and pepper, to taste.

3. Store dressing in the fridge in an airtight container for a week or more. I used it with fresh greens, white beans (Yellow Indian Woman) and cucumber.

Makes 1 cup.

  1. What a neat idea with the strawberries! I’ve only sauteed them with balsamic before. I bet it was perfect over the crunchy fresh lettuce.

  2. I can only just imagine how good roasted strawberries must taste! Paired with fresh crisp lettuce, sounds like a perfect summer salad!

  3. What an appealing recipe. I’ve never made roasted strawberries–though I have roasted grapes, figs, and other fruits. I love the idea of this. Thanks for sharing.

  4. That roasted strawberry vinaigrette sounds addictive! It would make a week of salads so much more fun!

  5. I never think to grill my strawberries!!!!! I can’t wait to try this.

  6. So glad you like the recipe! I think that hazelnut oil would be delicious in the vinaigrette. I’ll have to give your adaptation a try!

  7. What a great idea with the strawberries! It has never occurred to me to grill them and make a dressing. I love this!

  8. […] almost had 3 huge heads of lettuce to go through this week. In addition to my two heads of lettuce, a friend left their lettuce in the fridge by mistake and went home solo. […]

  9. Roasting strawberries – wow, how cool is that! I bet it makes a super tasty vinaigrette. Thanks for sharing this with Summer Salad Sundays, look forward to seeing you again soon!

  10. I love the color of the dressing and I also love the flavor that roasting brings out in strawberries. This looks like a wonderful salad–especially with those beans. Thanks for sharing with Souper Sundays this week. 😉

  11. […] Eating two heads of lettuce may seem trivial to some. In fact, for me, it probably isn’t much of a stretch to munch through…. of course, I never really have an empty fridge, so in addition to the new lettuce, I also had some spinach and beet greens to munch through first, and a bit of mixed greens, too. I also asked Rob to pick up some sunflower sprouts to spruce up some of my salads. Instead of coming home with a small packet of sprouts, he opted for the massive 1 lb bag of sprouts. Sprouts are light, trust me, it is a lot of sprouts! Why so many sprouts? They were 75% off! Priced to sell and for me to eat quickly! […]

  12. I could have salad every day, I have to try the roasted strawberries. Delicious idea!

  13. […] my week of the salad, I tried so many different leafy salads. I am not that heavy with salad dressing, so they last a […]

  14. […] Roasted Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette from The Taste Space.  Roasting strawberries? What a great idea! […]

  15. […] barbecue gathering, I experimented with grilling fruit. No stranger to roasting fruit (remember the roasted strawberry balsamic dressing?), grilling them also brings out their natural […]

  16. […] I tried something new. Roasted oranges. I often roast vegetables but not fruit (I’ve tried roasted strawberries which were very good, though). I was intrigued. I tried them but prefer juicy oranges au naturel. […]

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