janet @ the taste space

Raw Sour Cream & Onion Kale Chips

In Appetizers, Favourites, Sides on July 11, 2013 at 5:04 AM

Raw Sour Cream & Onion Kale Chips

Of my blog readers, only a handful are from my family. Rob and my Mom are my biggest readers.

So, when I say something here, I am held accountable.

Raw Sour Cream & Onion Kale Chips

When we planned our move to Houston, I said we were going to try a minimalist lifestyle. I was going to leave my dehydrator behind. But then, I kept making more and more things in my dehydrator. I had forgotten how lovely it was to make things in the dehydrator.

I also forgot that I wasn’t going to let life pass me by, either. We are planning to camp in the desert (via Burning Man), continue the long distance cycling (via the MS 150, Houston to Austin) and hopefully squeeze in weekend trips (sadly, my vacation days have dwindled down to nothing). It is times like these that portable snacks work their magic.

Raw Sour Cream & Onion Kale Chips

So, as we packed, I kept reconsidering whether or not to bring my dehydrator. To be fair, it is a space hog, but it is light. It is mostly filled with air!

Rob was not pleased, though. You said on your blog, you weren’t going to bring it.. I have changed my mind! I kept saying things like, “If I had to choose between x and the dehydrator, I choose the dehydrator.” Example: “If I had to choose between pictures for the wall and my dehydrator, I’d pick the dehydrator… and I bet we could fit the pictures inside the dehydrator, too! HA!”

Eventually, Rob had heard enough. After I made these kale chips, he definitely reconsidered his position. Thankfully, I did a mass kale harvest prior to our move. These were one of our favourite kale chip flavours. I thought they tasted like Sour Cream and Onion, with a touch of cheese, if you include the nutritional yeast. One of our friends agreed they were delicious but tasted more of the scallion undertone. Either way, it made a believer out of me for the power of kale chips. Hourrah!

The question will be whether I can keep up with the kale chip demand, though. We can plow through them so quickly!

Kale chips, here and elsewhere:

Kale Granola (Almond Coconut Kale Chips)

Maple Sesame Kale Chips from My New Roots (one of my favourites)

Chocolate Kale Chips from Cupcakes and Kale (Rob likes these more than me; I actually don’t like them)

Sweet and Zesty Kale Chips from Season 2 Season Eating

Sweet Onion Kale Chips from Flora Foodie

Salt & Vinegar Kale Chips from Branny Boils Over

Dill Pickle Kale Chips at Sondi Bruner

Spicy Curry Kale Chips from Choosing Raw

Banana Walnut Kale Chips from Choosing Raw

Raw Sour Cream & Onion Kale Chips

This is my submission to this month‘s Herbs on Saturday and to this week’s Raw Food Thursdays.

Raw Sour Cream & Onion Kale Chips

8 cups kale, loosely packed, torn into large pieces

1/3 cup scallion cashew spread (omit the nutritional yeast if you don’t want a cheesiness to it)
3-8 tbsp water, to thin to desired consistency

1. In a large bowl, place kale.

2. Thin scallion cashew cheese such that you can easily distribute it on the kale leaves. Gently massage it such that every leaf is covered in a thin film of sauce. Small globs are ok, too.

3. Place kale chips in a single layer, over multiple mesh-lined dehydrator trays. Dehydrate at 110F for 12-20 hours, or until it reaches your desired crispiness.

Makes 8 cups.

  1. Oven technique possibility?!…Love this recipe…but alas “sans” dehydrator! Please say it’s plausible for oven work!

    • The oven should work, too. I haven’t tried it myself but Gena’s directions suggest a few options:
      325F for about twenty minutes or 175-200F for 2 hours, frequently rotating the chips, although I’d probably watch them closely so they don’t burn or get too crispy

      Please let me know how it goes! 🙂

      • Thank you so much for the rapid response!…I’ll give it a go and let you know of the results….but I DO have a dehydrator purchase at the top of my bucket list!!! Thank you for the alternative directions! Have a lovely summer week!

  2. Janet, I’m your biggest fan! (after Chacha)

  3. Girl! I have a dehydrator! This will have to be my first recipe on it!

  4. I would have totally brought the dehydrator! But… kale chipes do work in the oven. When I don’t burn them.

  5. Haha, you can’t get away with anything now 🙂 I’m sure Rob will forgive you when you feed him all the delicious snacks from the dehydrator! These look scrummy, but I’m sadly dehydrator-less.

    Your camping/cycling adventures sound amazing. I’ve heard great things about Burning Man.

    • Thanks! Just being in Houston is adventure enough but Rob has been to Burning Man a few times (this will be my first) and since we’re reasonably close, we figured we should make it happen! 🙂

  6. Amber made me sour cream and onion kale chips when I arrived at her place last year; so good. And I never even used to like sour cream and onion “real” chips.

  7. I brought my dehydrator too! While we are still apartmentless, and the kitchens we’re seeing keep looking smaller and smaller, we may be keeping it under the bed! Love that scallion cashew coating!

    • Haha, we opted to not have a bed frame, so we have no under bed storage… but that is definitely a good place for storage. Thankfully we have a garage, so I have put my dehydrator there until I want to use it.

  8. One of Sylvia’s favourite thing to say is I’ve changed my mind – goodness knows where she gets it. Hope you are enjoying your dehydrator – sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling – the stomach knows – love the chips – will bookmark for the day I am brave enough to try kale chips

  9. I am the same way about stuff I say on the blog! Like if i say it, I feel MUCH more compelled to do it than I would otherwise!

    okay you have convinced me I need to get kale chips in my life!

  10. I know what you mean about blogging things making you more aware of what you’re saying and what you’re doing! These look fantastic and make me want a dehydrator to make them with 😛

  11. Sounds like a tasty way to dress up kale chips! Thanks for sharing at Raw Foods Thursdays.

  12. I so need to invest in a dehydrator. Great recipe!!

  13. I keep meaning to make “Kale Chips” one of these days, and your post has inspired me with a renewed desire. Thank you! ❤

  14. Wow I need to try this variation on kale chips! Sour cream and onion was always my favourite flavour of chip!

    I went through a similar dilemma when I moved to Toronto- dehydrator or not? My condo is so tiny! Eventually I brought it and it has it’s home in the solarium, as far away from the kitchen as its possible to be! Oh well, better than not having it 😉

  15. Thanks for including me in the roundup. These look so intriguing!

  16. Such a BRILLIANT idea Janet and I now have kale chip envy, as I adore chips and also kale too! Karen

  17. […] Raw Sour Cream & Onion Kale Chips by Janet of  The Taste Space: A brilliant and healthy idea for vegetable crisps aka chips! […]

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