janet @ the taste space

Mango Curry Chickpea Salad Wraps

In Favourites, Mains (Vegetarian), Salads on August 3, 2013 at 7:52 AM

Mango Curry Chickpea Salad Wraps

My parents, truly awesome souls, helped us pack in Toronto before our move. Rob and I (mostly Rob) had tucked our possessions into three categories: 1) perma-storage destined for my brother’s basement; 2) Texas-bound or 3) with us on our roadtrip. Granted, the kitchen was the last thing to be packed, especially since I was still using it.  As our last weekend in Toronto continued, we had packed nearly everything from the kitchen. The cube was nearly full and we had successfully loaded all four of our bikes. (Initially, we were concerned they wouldn’t all fit)

I had one kitchen drawer left. We had to decide what to do with my spices. I have a fewlot. My master plan was to bring my little jars down with me and replenish as needed once I arrived. I had already imposed a no spice replenish ban while in Toronto so I was due for more. For my less used spices, I figured I would simply use what I had left in my jar.

Instead, my Mom suggested I go on a spice holiday. WHAT? No spices for a year?! Even I have my limits. Spices are what make my food taste good!  I was given one bag to fill. All my little jars came with me. Even the empty ones.

Now that the dust has settled, I pounced on these chickpea salad wraps. Sweetened with fresh mango, spiced with ginger and garam masala with a touch of cilantro. Sweet, spicy and tart – a great trio. Mash them up and then wrap it in a lettuce wrap for an easy meal. I was worried I would have needed to add citrus juice, but this wasn’t dry in the slightest. It probably depends on your mango, so your results may vary.

Can you tell I have become more simple in my kitchen? Something about the hot weather makes me more lazy at home. 😛

Mango Curry Chickpea Salad Wraps

This is my submission to Deb for this week’s Souper Sundays and this month’s Random Recipes from saved cookbooks.

Mango Curry Chickpea Salad Wraps
Adapted from The Great Vegan Bean Book

1.5 cups cooked chickpeas, rinsed and drained if canned
1 small mango, peeled and cubed (~3/4 cup)
1 tsp grated ginger
1 tbsp minced cilantro
1/4 tsp garam masala
salt, to taste
4 lettuce leaves

1. In a medium bowl, combine chickpeas and mango. Use a potato masher to crush into a chunky consistency. Stir in ginger, cilantro, garam masala and salt to taste. Scoop inside lettuce leaf and eat.

Serves 2-3.

  1. Really want to try this, looks so flavourful and healthy 🙂

  2. I just came across your blog and saw a lot of Indian-related dishes, that looks yum! I love sweet and spicy foods, particularly hot and sour soup, hehe. But I don’t know why I don’t like fruits in my savoury dishes, maybe it’s just me that prefers mango with sticky rice and coconut milk. Wraps look great, I bet they taste great with collard greens? x

    • Thanks, Rika. Funny you mention hot and sour soup because I have yet to find one I like! But I definitely enjoy the flavours of hot, sour, salty, sweet, all together. Collards would work here, too, but I liked the lettuce since it was more fresh and light. Collards are a bit heavier and definitely more greeny tasting.

  3. I love the look of these, I bet they’re delicious!

  4. This looks so fresh and good! I don’t think I’ve ever used raw ginger without cooking it. Does it give a really strong flavor?

  5. This looks amazing….

  6. I had a hard time figuring out what I wanted to take with us when we moved last year… sometimes it’s tough to figure out ahead of time what you think you’ll need and what you can live without.
    And oh my goodness those salad wraps look so tasty!

  7. I could never give up my spices! When I moved to Paris for 6 months I actually took a selection of spices with me in my suitcase! That might be bordering on a little crazy though….
    Your salad wraps look delightful. I love mango with a little ginger and spice.

  8. I would probably hit anyone who tried to tell me live without my spices! They are seriously my pride and joy. 😛

  9. I can just imagine the blend of flavours here… and it’s making me want to defrost my last bag of cooked chickpeas and have a go! -btw, mashed chickpeas and vegan mayo with seasonings and a few minced veggies like peppers and celery make a great wrap/ salad too.

  10. These wraps look so tasty and refreshing on a warm day. I like that mango-chickpea-garam masala combination. Thanks for sending them to Souper Sundays. 😉

  11. I wish I was more adventurous with spices but I tend to use the same stand bys and know I’ll forget to use any newer purchases after about a week 😛 With that said, the flavours you use here are definite stand by favourites 🙂

  12. I love this dish, it answers so many brilliant culinary questions and makes me want it oh so badly, I can see why you’d save this cookbook. It has everything in it. Thank you so much for the delicious entry x

  13. I absolutely love chickpeas and mango, but haven’t put them together before. Thanks for sharing your version of this recipe. Found you via Healthy Vegan Friday.

  14. This is such a great summer dish, thank you so much for entering Feel Good Food this month.

  15. This looks really interesting, and a combination I would never have thought of

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