janet @ the taste space

Artichoke and Spinach Rice Paper Rolls with Lemon Rosemary Baked Tofu

In Appetizers, Mains (Vegetarian), Salads on March 17, 2011 at 5:24 AM

I have been branching out a bit from recipes lately. Experimenting, pushing the boundaries, using recipes as guides. I am learning more what can be changed and what should not and thankfully soups, salads and sandwiches are very forgiving. 🙂

After gobbling up the last of my Spicy Artichoke Heart Dip, I knew it could be used for more than just a dip. It would be a delicious spread. Even simply as an antipasto, but I wanted to combine flavours.

Spinach, check.

Red pepper, check. To roast or not to roast? Not to roast.

A bean perhaps? Chickpeas? Nah, let’s go with tofu.

Tofu is a blank slate, so an Italian-inspired lemon-rosemary baked tofu seemed like a good complementary panel of flavours.

But then the question, how to assemble? Tortillas? Nah… I rummaged in my cabinet and found rice paper rolls. I should probably be scared of food that is still good years after I have bought them, but do not fear the rice paper roll. Only fear them as leftovers, because they don’t like to be eaten the next day.

So, the first day, I assembled the ingredients into fresh rice paper rolls. The next day, I deconstructed the roll into a salad.  I just stuffed the spinach, red pepper, tofu and dip together in a container and brought it to work as a salad. The dip was silky enough to coat the spinach as a dressing. The tofu made it a satisfying main meal. And while I didn’t photograph it as a salad, that was probably my preferred, least stressful way to eat it.

But really, do not fear the rice paper rolls.

This is being sent to Deb for this week’s Souper Sundays and to this month’s Healing Foods event featuring artichokes.

Artichoke and Spinach Rice Paper Rolls

1 recipe Lemon Rosemary Baked Tofu (see below)
4-6 rice paper rolls (alternatively, turn this into a more traditional wrap with whole wheat tortillas)
2 cups baby spinach
1 red pepper, sliced
1/4 recipe Spicy Artichoke Heart Dip (or could substitute 1/2 15-oz can artichoke hearts packed in water, well drained)

1. First, start off by making the Lemon Rosemary Baked Tofu. It can be made ahead of time, chilled before using.

2. In a medium skillet over medium heat, warm 1-2″ of water. Wet a cloth for assembling the rice paper rolls and lay flat over your working area.

3. For each rice paper roll, immerse the dry roll in the warm water for 5 seconds, and then transport and lay on top of a wet cloth. In a line in the middle of the wrapper, add a small handful of spinach, 2-3 tbsp of artichoke heart dip, a few strips of the baked tofu and red pepper. Roll up the wrapper from your side first, flip in the edges and continue to roll it closed. Cover with another wet towel as you assemble the remainder of the rolls.

Serves 2.


Lemon Rosemary Baked Tofu

1/2 pound firm tofu, drained and pressed
1.5 tbsp lemon juice (half a lemon)
1.5 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp tamari or soy sauce
1/4 tsp dried rosemary (or 1.5 tbsp fresh rosemary)
2 tsp olive oil

1. Preheat oven 350F.

2. Once pressed, cut tofu into 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch slices and lay in single layer on the bottom of a large baking dish.

3. In a large measuring cup, whisk together remaining ingredients for the marinade.

4. Pour marinade over tofu. Let soak for as long as you want, preferably at least 30 minutes, flipping once.

5. Bake at 350F, turning gently once, for 30 to 40 minutes until tofu is nicely browned and marinade is absorbed. You may also grill them.

*Note: These baked tofu slices can be served as a main dish with a side salad as well, but I put them in my wrap. They would also be a wonderful topping for a a salad.

  1. this looks super good ! yummm

  2. Janet, these look so very pretty.

  3. Omg, rolls looks simply inviting and delicious..

  4. Ooooh, gorgeous! I love this idea – I’ve seen a lot of recipes for rice paper rolls, but mostly with all the same sorts of fillings…love this creative take on it!

  5. Thanks for sending this delicious recipe. It is healthy, beautiful-looking and sounds soooo good with a unique combination of flavours!

  6. You do such wonderful experimenting in the kitchen and I love how this is a mix of antipasto flavors! I’ve never used rice paper, actually, but I promise to not fear it from now on!

  7. I am so glad you visited my blog and left me a comment, because it brought me to yours- and you have totally my kind of taste in recipes! I just browsed through yours and pretty much every single one had me thinking “That’s something I would make!” Consider me a new follower.

  8. A very creative take on salad rolls. I love the sound of the tofu with lemon & rosemary. Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays. 😉

  9. Love this mix of flavors. I need to add this one to my list to try!

  10. I just added artichokes to the grocery list. These look scrumptious!

  11. […] Janet from “The Taste Space” has been experimenting with variations of her recipes. I really enjoyed reading the creative process behind these beautiful Artichoke and Spinach Rice Paper Rolls with Lemon Rosemary Baked Tofu […]

  12. Your rolls look beautiful! And I like the idea that you can deconstruct them the day after. A very nice combination of ingredients.

  13. I totally fear the rice paper roll!! One day I shall conquer it though haha. I love this wrap you made and am inspired by your creativity!

  14. What a beautiful vegetarian rice roll – love the idea of using an artichoke spread in the wrap!

  15. […] healthy way to wrap around a sandwich filling, while having the benefit of not getting soggy like rice paper rolls, […]

  16. […] in my kitchen! I don’t cook with tofu that often, and if I do, it is usually incorporated into my meal. I’ve made a few stand-alone tofu recipes, and that was […]

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