janet @ the taste space

Raw Kale and Beet Salad with Raisins and Almonds

In Appetizers, Favourites, Salads on April 25, 2011 at 6:11 AM

How was your holiday weekend?

Mine was great! It was a great time to connect with Rob’s family, relax and we were also able to squeeze in a short (if you consider 6 hours short for 88km, but still brutal) bike ride on Good Friday.

As I mentioned earlier, I was was a bit hesitant about what I would eat over the holiday weekend while being away from home, considering I have cut out dairy, fish, meat, refined flours and sugars.  In the end, there was no need to be stressed at all. Rob suggested making a few things while we were down, and I picked out some dishes that I knew tasted great, used relatively common ingredients and would appeal to a wide range of people.

In the end, I made the red lentil and lemon soup for Good Friday, the black bean, cilantro and apricot salad (substituting fresh orange juice for the mango nectar which was just as good) and my staple hummus recipe from my university days: peanut butter hummus (no tahini or sesame oil needed!). They were all well received, thank goodness!

The main meal over the weekend was Sunday Easter brunch, which was filled with an overabundance of Polish goodies. Nearly everything had meat or eggs, but I was able to contribute some greenery.  I chose to share this salad that my family and I enjoyed over Christmas. While a raw kale salad would be different in itself, I figured the beets would bring some Polish-style comfort to the new dish.

Adapted from Ainslie at Everyone is a Vegan, I really liked the mixture of the massaged/wilted kale with a sharp lemon dressing, raw grated beets with sweet dried fruit (a mixture of raisins, currants and dried cranberries works well) as well as crunchy toasted almonds. Before I made this salad, I didn’t know you could eat raw beets, but you can, and they taste great.  A tip for working with beets, though: if you buy them with the greens, leave yourself a long piece of stem to hold. This way, when you grate it, your hands don’t get nearly as purple (not that that is necessarily a bad thing, but I’m just suggesting how to stay clean!).

This is also a perfect salad for parties, since you can make it advance, and if you make too much, the leftovers keep well for a few days. What a super salad! Judging by how many people have invited themselves over to (not yet) our new abode, I better start compiling a list of easy, crowd-pleasing dishes like this for company.

This is my submission to Deb for this week’s Souper Sundays, to this week’s Potluck Party for healthy salads, as well as to April in the Raw.

Raw Kale and Beet Salad with Raisins and Almonds

2-3 cups kale, chopped (1/4-1/3 of a bunch)
1/2 lemon, juiced
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp salt, or to taste
1 beet, washed and shredded  (keep a long handle from the stems to keep your hands clean!)
1/4 cup raisins/dried cranberries/currants/mixture
1/8 cup slivered almonds, toasted (do not toast if following a raw diet)

1. Place kale in a large bowl. Drizzle in the lemon juice, oil and salt.  Mix it all up with your hands (no cheating!), working the lemon juice and salt into the kale leaves until the colour begins to darken and the leaves wilt (around 5 minutes).

2. Add shredded beet to kale, toss to coat beet in dressing.  Top salad with raisins and almonds before serving.

Serves 4 as a side/appetizer (and can easily be doubled, or tripled for a large crowd)

  1. Thanks for coming to Easter. It was great 🙂

  2. […] and sauces. Janet wasn’t able to eat most of the things on the table, so we prepared a dish for her, too. The table was decorated with flowers, easter baskets, and eggs decorated by my mom […]

  3. looks jolly good- healthy!

  4. Oh my I do love a good raw kale salad… and with beets! Never had kale with beets before! Excited to try this.

  5. You’re more than welcome to bring your vegan goodies to any of my parties! This looks great. PS now that you know about raw beets, you’ll have to try a beet slaw! I made one last year that we really liked.

  6. Well, given how super sweet Rob is, I can’t imagine that his family could be any different! I’m sure they loved everything you made! I’ve been meaning to try massaged kale and I think you’ve inspired me to stop procrastinating and do it. The salad looks delicious!

  7. Fantastic salad, lovely combo..

  8. I love all these ingredients, what a healthy and delicious dish!

  9. […] I have already been smitten by raw kale salads, it was at Rawlicious that I discovered spiralized zucchini noodles (oh yes, I want a […]

  10. I love beets AND kale! This is a must-try salad for me 😉 Thanks for sharing!

  11. I’ve still never tried a raw kale salad, but I am certain I would love it- especially with beets and cranberries!

  12. I’m so glad you like this salad! The picture looks so delicious! And good tip about holding the stem/greens of the beets to avoid purple hands, haha 🙂 Also, if you get beets with fresh looking greens still attached, you can even eat those in a salad or as steamed greens!

  13. Colorful and healthy–the raw beets are a great addition. Thanks for sending it to Souper Sundays. 😉

  14. I love this salad. I’ve made it a few times already. Try cranberries to replace the raisins.

  15. […] knew the raw kale salad with beets was a hit over Easter, so I figured I would pick a dish that had similar familiar ingredients: […]

  16. I’m assuming this is the salad that you were telling me about that your mom loved and shared with people? I must try it! I have recently discovered the deliciousness of massaged kale when I made the raw Asian kale salad from the 2 week wellness solution.

  17. […] be eaten soon after assembly. Once dressed, lettuce doesn’t last that long (more the power to wilted kale salads!). This year, when I spotted a tomato-based Mexican salad at Namaste Gurl, I was […]

  18. […] would quickly become boring! This is when it becomes exciting, because the experimentation in raw foods has created some luscious treats, perfect during the hot summer when you don’t want to turn […]

  19. […] seemingly unorthodox, it tastes great. My raw kale salad was a hit with the gang last time. I really thought this could be a contender for the […]

  20. […] Raw Kale and Beet Salad with Almonds […]

  21. […] know you’ve probably heard of raw massaged kale salads before (if not, you’re missing out!). You may even massage your cabbage for […]

  22. […] kale salad girl by Rob’s family. Two holidays, two raw kale salads. For Easter, I brought the raw kale salad with beets, raisins and almonds. Thanksgiving, was this raw kale salad. Personally, I have no qualms sharing my joy of […]

  23. […] sell Swiss chard or even large (uncut) kale leaves. I used the simple dressing from this kale salad with cranberries as a rough guide.  I tried to make a dressing with some hummus, too, but it didn’t work out […]

  24. […] idea: Your favourite kale salad with 1/2 lb kale – this one would be good 12 oz kelp noodles, or your favourite clear noodle (cooked) Baked or fried tofu, […]

  25. […] Raw Kale and Beet Salad with Raisins and Almonds […]

  26. […] utter disbelief when I announce that I eat raw kale salads. That’s right. I, unlike any other vegan blogger, happily munch on the thinly shredded crucifer in uncooked form to retain the it’s […]

  27. I love sauteed kale but I didn’t know you can eat kale raw. I thought the leaves would be too tough.

  28. […] recipes. Company-approved dishes. If I had to choose a favourite, I would likely serve the Raw Kale and Beet Salad with Raisins and Almonds, followed by Mushroom Bourguignon with a decadent Raw Raspberry Cashew Dreamcake for dessert. Or […]

  29. […] yogurt, etc) along with the special crepes and pancakes. I had pimped my kale salad as the best kale salad ever, so I had that as a savoury option, […]

  30. […] Just popping in to share two lovely links and things I am doing this weekend. First, I am making this kale and beet salad: […]

  31. […] sunflower seeds. I massaged some of the dressing directly with the collards (like I do for my raw kale salads) and then drizzled more dressing for the rest of the veggies. As you can see, the […]

  32. […] Raw Kale and Beets Salad, Taste Space Raw Beet and Apple Salad, Eat Boutique Vinaigrette Raw Beet Slaw, Sarah’s Cucina Bella Crimson Salad, Diet Dessert and Dogs […]

  33. […] would likely not be pleased with 2 salads, both featuring cabbage, I was glad that I brought both (just like kale salads, cabbage salads keep well as leftovers). The Orange-Tahini Cilantro Cabbage Salad is bright and […]

  34. […] kale, I let the heat of the noodles wilt them. Easy, peasy. Because as much as I love raw kale salads, I usually am able to trick convince others into doing the massaging. I hate getting my hands too […]

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