janet @ the taste space

Indian-Spiced Baked Onions with Cumin-Dill Quinoa (& Cookbook Giveaway)

In Book Review, Salads, Sides on October 1, 2013 at 6:17 AM

Indian-Spiced Baked Onions with Cumin-Dill Quinoa

See below if you are interested in a giveaway for The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen.

There is one problem with our weekly cronut ride: it gives us flat tires. Since we began cycling to Pearland, Rob and I have had 3-4 flat tires between to two of us. Usually it is a slow-leaking flat and we figure it out right as we want to leave the next day. However this time, it was a nice blow out en route. There is a lot of debris on the road, but I am still boggled how Rob managed to catch a whole 1″ screw into his rear tire. I saw it happen, too. First there was a funny noisy rumble over a section of pavement, followed by a sharp whizzing noise…. 50 ft later, Rob’s tire is sagging. I have a photo just to show you how ludicrous it was… (For the record, Rob was not amused enough to take a photo of the screw once we managed to evacuate it.. he just wanted to fix his bike).

screw in tire

Yes, we were screwed.  We usually have to hunt to find the culprit for a leak, but this instigator was easy to spot.  When my Dad saw the photo, he exclaimed: “How the H*** did that get in there?” Precise positioning? Anyways, weRob replaced the tube but we decided to return home sooner rather than later with the sad-looking tire.  Turns out it was a good decision since 10 minutes after we arrived home, we were pummeled with rain. Best to stay indoors as the rain comes down so hard.

Turns out that while writing my round-up of my favourite Brussels sprout recipes, I was reminded of my Ayurvedic kick last winter.  I am currently on a dill-kick and decided to make Ayurvedic Herbed Quinoa (instead of millet) with Fried Soup Onions, which I rechristened as Indian-Spiced Baked Onions with Cumin-Dill Quinoa.

This is a simple yet somewhat elaborate quinoa pilaf salad spiced with cumin and dill. Leave it at that, and it would a pretty simple side salad. However, the suggested Indian-spiced baked onions make this a special treat. I don’t know about you, but I love roasted vegetables and really like somewhat charred roasted onions. I always have onions on hand and it takes next to no effort to add them to a pan to roast. However, these are more than simple roasted onions. A quick saute with cumin, fennel and mustard seeds transforms them into a veritable Indian party. The flavours are not overtop, rather muted with a colourful background. There are so many different spices once added to the dilly cumin quinoa, but it all works. Really well. The recipe is from The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen which I have mentioned before. Talya recommended pairing the salad with a Creamy Cucumber-Tahini Dressing but I felt it overpowered all the tastes in the salad, so I left it out.

Indian-Spiced Baked Onions with Cumin-Dill Quinoa

After discovering the cookbook at my library last year, I bought my own copy before my move. It was actually my first e-cookbook and I really appreciated its portability (books are heavy!). It is a great resource for those wanting to learn more about Ayurveda, but most importantly the recipes are whole foods-, plant-based and taste great. If you like Indian flavours, this will definitely appeal to you but the range of recipes is quite vast (thankful pie, perfect spring soup, creamy miso lentils, magical ‘mato lasagna, quinoa pancakes and even breakfast greens!). There are still so many recipes I want to try.

Other recipes from The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen, here and elsewhere:

Vegan Mango Lassi

Homemade Chai Tea

Butternut Squash Crusted Pizza

Better Than Chicken Soup (Miso Curry Squash and Chickpea Soup)

Indian Sprouted Mung Bean Stew with Greens

Ayurvedic Winter Vegetable Stew with Adzuki Beans

Steamed Collard Rolls

Dadus (Indian ladu dessert)

Sandy Lane Cherry Pie

I am beyond thrilled that the publisher has agreed to let me share this recipe AND sponsor a giveaway for The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen. They are giving away one (paperback) copy to a reader from the US (sorry my international friends). To be entered, please leave a comment here, letting me know whether you’ve heard of Ayurveda before (and if so, what do you think of it?).  I will randomly select a winner on October 15, 2013. Good luck!

Indian-Spiced Baked Onions with Cumin-Dill Quinoa

This is my submission to Deb for this week’s Souper Sundays.

Indian-Spiced Baked Onions with Cumin-Dill Quinoa
Adapted from The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen

1 cup dry quinoa, rinsed well and drained (fyi, the original recipe called for millet)
1 tbsp nutritional yeast (fyi, the orignal recipe called for 2.25 cups vegetable broth instead of nutritional yeast)
1 tsp cumin
1/3 cup fresh dill

1 tsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp black mustard seeds
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
2 cups thinly sliced onion
1 clove garlic, pressed or minced
1/4 tsp salt

1. Bring 1.75 cups water and nutritional yeast to a boil over high heat. Once boiling, add quinoa. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer until all of the liquid is absorbed, about 15-20 minutes. Keep covered for an additional 5 minutes to steam. Stir in cumin and dill. Set aside.

2. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400F.

3. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add the black mustard seeds, fennel seeds and cumin seeds and cover. Heat until mustard seeds begin to pop. Once they have stopped, add in onion and garlic and saute over medium heat until beginning to brown and soften, around 5-10 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and remove from heat.

4. On a large baking sheet lined with a silpat, spread out onion. Bake for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until beginning to brown and turn crispy (but not burning- check towards the end).

5. Combine quinoa and baked onions by stirring or keep separate until serving.

Serves 4.

  1. I have heard of Ayurveda. I recently sent away for Deepak Chopra’s book and am looking forward to reading it. The concept interests me and I want to learn more about it. Thanks for the giveaway it would be a great book to win.

  2. We have a lot to learn from Ayurveda medicine. When I was in Cochi, India I visited a practitioner and learned alot. I am anxious to try this recipe.

  3. This recipe looks SO good! I just started following you recently and now am forever faithful. I brought the chickpea curry carrot dish to a wedding potluck the other day, and people went NUTS for it. My one friend said, “Maggie, I want to BATHE in this thing you made.” So… thanks 🙂

    I have heard of Ayurveda! I even have this cookbook on my Christmas list, so being able to dig into it before December 25th would be SO much fun! I saw it on the shelf at my yoga studio and paged through it for five minutes before I whipped out my phone and made a note to put it on my Christmas list. What a fun giveaway!

  4. I have heard a little bit of Ayurveda before, but I would love to learn more. This cookbook looks like it has delicious recipes!

  5. I have heard of Ayurveda, but don’t really feel educated enough about it to have much of an opinion. I’m very interested, though – especially after seeing this recipe!

  6. I’ve heard a little bit about Ayurveda, but I’d love to learn more.

  7. I have just recently become interested In learning about Ayurveda and am so interested to learn more about applying it in my life. Having an Ayurvedic AND vegan cookbook would be a dream!

  8. I have heard about Ayurveda before from practicing yoga and studying natural health. I am allergic to milk and eggs, so eating vegan works great for me. Hence, I would love to get my hands on one of this books!!! 🙂

  9. I have heard of Ayerveda, I try to follow some of the principles but could definitely learn more about it!

  10. Oh how I hate flat tyres. I travelled everywhere by bike at university and even though I was just cycling on decent roads managed to bust my tyres so many times.
    I never think to use dill in Indian dishes but it’s such a gorgous flavour. When I was considering studying at the Natural Epicurean Academy the Ayurvedic module was the one I was most interested in, as it’s a way of eating I know little about.
    I’ll have to add this book to my wishlist!

  11. Sucks about the flat tires 😦

    I actually own this cookbook but have never cooked from it! Shame on me apparently! This looks absolutely delicious!

  12. I have heard of Ayurveda before, but I know almost nothing about it. I would love to learn more!

  13. That seems interesting, taking vegan to another level. Food id medicine after all.

    margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com

  14. heard and practiced. well mom has practiced on me:) i like most of the principles except the use of ghee.

  15. I have heard of Ayurveda. In school I had to do a report on famous business people and picked the founder of Aveda, I learned that from him studying Ayurveda is where he got the idea for the name Aveda


  16. I love love love Ayurveda! I’m actually a student of Ayurveda and am amidst the wonderful journey of integrating the amazing practices into my daily life. Cooking wholesome, yummy food is a big part of this! Thank you for offering the book giveaway – I know of the book and it’s a great one!

  17. I have heard of Ayurveda. I think there is a lot of wisdom in the old traditions, teachings and ways of being with oneself and the natural world.

  18. I’m sorry to hear about your flat tire situation – that looks like an odd one! Glad you guys are safe and sound! I love quinoa – the herbed quinoa with fried onions look so delicious! Thanks for hosting an aweesome giveaway, I’ve never heard of Ayurveda, but would love to review it.

  19. […] Win The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen Cookbook over at The Taste Space – Giveaway ends Oct. 15th. Open to U.S. residents. […]

  20. I’ve never heard of Ayurveda before…here is my chance to learn!

  21. I’ve read a little about Ayurveda, enough to be interested and want to learn more. This looks like a great book, thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  22. I’ve heard of it and it sounds very healthy, but also complicated. I’d like to learn more about it.

  23. That is CRAZY about the screw! I can’t believe it was positioned so perfectly to insert itself like that!

    You really took the charred onions up a notch with those spices!

  24. I’ve read a little about Ayurveda and own a cookbook but I’ve never seen a vegan one before.

  25. I actually have not heard of Ayurveda before, but I would definitely be interested in learning more

  26. never heard of it!

  27. Yum this recipe sounds delicious!! I’ve read about Ayuveda and I think my dosha is vata. I have some digestive problems and i’ve heard that Ayuveda can be extremely helpful. I would love to learn more!!

  28. I’ve heard of Ayurveda from my yoga teacher, so I’m extremely interested in this book!

  29. I have never heard of Ayurveda until this post, but seems intriguing. This recipe looks delicious too! Would love to see more recipes in this cookbook

  30. New to Ayurveda. If this is the style of cooking, count me in! I’m on a fennel kick right now, love the flavor. An easy way to add the flavor – add fennel seeds to pepper corns and just a touch of kosher salt and put it all in a pepper grinder. Great flavor and really cuts down on the salt.

  31. […] I am all over the cookbook giveaways these days, if you hadn’t noticed. My giveaway for The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen is still going, so check it out. I also highly recommend The Great […]

  32. I’ve read some about Ayurveda before- I’d love to try the recipes!

  33. I have not heard of Ayurveda, but I’m extremely interested now based on your pics and others’ comments.

  34. I have heard of the practice of Ayurveda, and try to incorporate some of the practices in my life though I am confused as to which Dosha I am….And well vegan cooking is my passion for this book would be a match made in heaven….

  35. I actually bought a book about Ayurveda once, but never read it and then gave it away! I want to learn more, though, especially after seeing your beautiful picture/recipe!

  36. […] is giving away a copy of The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen, here  (ends October […]

  37. Never heard of it, but would love to learn more!

  38. I only know vaguely about Ayurveda…I can hardly pronounce it! But I’m inclined toward the idea of healing the body through natural methods instead of bombarding it with drugs every time we have a symptom. Health should focus on curing the root of the problem, not covering up its manifestations.

  39. I’ve heard a little bit about ayurveda and I do believe food and herbs can be healing and would love to learn more!

  40. I had my first Ayurveda appointment earlier this year. I didn’t have anything really going on with me. I was just curious. It ended up being pretty cool, although now I spend much more on supplements. I think the dietary suggestions have been the most helpful though.

  41. I have heard of Ayurveda and studied it many years ago while,living in So. CA. I haven’t thought about it recently but love that recipe, so will investigate again.

  42. I’ve heard of it but don’t know much about it and would love to learn!! Thanks so much!

  43. I had never heard of it; but your list of recipes sounds fabulous! Sounds like a neat resource to own.

  44. Oooh, I have always wanted to make the blooming flower baked onion thing… sounds like a great Thanksgiving dish, actually. A yoga cookbook sounds neat… and yeah, I totally understand how you feel about not wanting to ask for it back 😦

  45. So many wonderful flavors in this dish and you cannot go wrong with caramelized onions–so yummy. 😉
    The cookbook sounds great, I studied a bit of Ayurveda in my nutrition courses and find the practice so interesting.

    Thanks for sharing with Souper Sundays!

  46. I’ve heard the word Ayurveda thrown around a lot lately, although I haven’t learned much about it yet. I’m really into natural healing especially through foods so I think I would learn a ton from this cookbook. Thanks for the giveaway and sharing this recipe!

  47. I’ve read up on Ayurveda a while back but now the details are a bit foggy. I found it intriguing that there are different foods to eat or avoid, depending on our body compositions. I believe that these principles are accurate, and not following a proper diet is a cause for many health and digestive ailments people suffer from.

  48. […] Have you entered my giveaway for The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen […]

  49. I’m familiar with Ayurveda and have read a bit about the importance of balance and the doshas. It makes perfect sense and seems like a natural, gentle approach to life and healing.

  50. I’ve actually been to a Ayurvedic vegetarian restaurant while on vacation in Eastern Europe. It was my only experience with Ayurveda, but the food was delicious. Thanks for the chance to win the cookbook.

  51. […] PS. Today is also the last day to enter my giveaway for The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen. Enter here. […]

  52. would love an Ayurveda vegan cookbook. don’t cook much in that style, but eager to learn. husband is Not vegan and would love to WOW him

  53. I’ve never heard of that style of cooking but I would certainly give it a try!

  54. I heard of it, but I don’t know much about it.

  55. I have a passing familiarity with the concepts of Ayurvedic medicine and am curious about tying those principles in with nutrition. A recent Livestrong.com article touched on the subject and I’d like to learn more. I believe that there definitely is a mind-body connection and that bringing balance to the various aspects of one’s life makes one healthier.

  56. Hello! I’d say I have a basic knowledge of Ayurvedic medicinal remedies, and recently, I’ve been most interested in the healing properties of echinacea. As soon as I feel the slightest scratch in my throat or tickling in my sinuses, I whip out the echinacea extract. Did you know that it boosts the immune system by stimulating phagocytosis—the consumption of invading bacteria by mighty white blood cells? Echinacea was also one of the most important plants used by Native Americans, who also used it to treat external wounds.

  57. I do not know much about Ayuredic but this recipe looks great! I love dill! I am a recent follower of you! Thanks for the articles ! Always great to learn something different!

  58. […] The winner of The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen giveaway is Gloria. […]

  59. This book sounds awesome! I love recipes like this and reallllly want to make this dish. I appreciate the way you put your own “spin on things” and change things up a bit compared to following the recipe to a tee 🙂 one question for you though..when you baked the onions, what temperature do you bake them at? thanks Janet!

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