janet @ the taste space

Vegan Deviled “Eggs” & Cookbook Giveaway

In Appetizers, Book Review on March 27, 2014 at 6:35 AM

Vegan Deviled "Eggs"

Onwards with the 30 vegetable challenge. Instead of using an abundance of vegetables in a single dish, I am focusing on possibly the most popular vegetable. A vegetable that I rarely eat at that: the humble white potato.

White potato has its critics.  A high glycemic starchy vegetable that is typically consumed deep-fried or slathered in oil. I actually don’t like the taste of white potatoes, either, preferring its colourful cousin, the sweet potato. In any case, not all white potatoes are created equal and it was most apparent while we travelled in Colombia and enjoyed their local favourite: papas criollas. A small, creamy potato, perfect to eat after a simple boil, although it was also common spotted after a toss in an oiled skillet. Other small potatoes can be reasonable substitutes. I spotted these at our favourite (Mexican-flavoured) farmer’s market and brought them home to make a vegan twist on devilled eggs.

Vegan Deviled "Eggs"

No eggs, no problem. The creamy potatoes are a fun twist for the cooked egg white base and a creamy mustard-hummus filling with a touch of black salt is very reminiscent of the real deal. Sprinkled with a touch of smoke paprika and you have an easy, pretty appetizer. If you have some mad piping skills, you could make this even more fancy.

Vegan Deviled "Eggs"

This recipe is from the latest in the Happy Herbivore cookbook series, Happy Herbivore Light & Lean. For some reason, I have never really warmed up to Lindsay’s earlier cookbooks but this one was different. First of all the photos are gorgeous. Secondly, the recipes appeal to me more.

Her recipes, even if from previous cookbooks, have been lightened up and spruced up with bolder flavours. She has a bigger emphasis on vegetables and less reliance on ketchup and mayonnaise. More complete meals, instead of sides. All her recipes are oil-free and low-fat which I don’t necessarily advocate but did not mind trying out temporarily. Her recipes prove you do not need oil to make food flavourful but I like a bit more fat for satiety. Even if for no other reason, yes, you need some fat to absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

The third part of the book includes an introduction to basic strength exercises. She includes good photographs and descriptions of each move with modifications for beginners and those who want a challenge. I like that she included another aspect of healthy lifestyles, beyond nutritious food.

Vegan Deviled "Eggs"

First and foremost, I enjoy sharing delicious food and this cookbook delivers. These deviled eggs are only one recipe but I also recommend the garden vegetable chili, cheater pad thai noodle bowl, breakfast tacos and scrambled tofu.

Thankfully, the publisher allowed me to share the recipe (with one of the gorgeous food photos by Jackie Sobon from Vegan Yack Attack, too) AND giveaway the cookbook to a reader living in the United States or Canada. To be entered in the random draw for the cookbook, please leave a comment below telling me what you think about no-oil meals. The winner will be selected at random on April 7, 2014. Good luck!

Happy Herbivore Vegan Devilled Eggs

Recipes from Happy Herbivore Light & Lean elsewhere:

Thai Crunch Salad
Caribbean Bowl
Meatloaf Bites
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Pumpkin Pancakes
Blueberry Yogurt Muffins
Breakfast Tacos
Lentil Joes (with a video)
Spinach Love Wrap
Soba Peanut Noodles
Deviled “Eggs”
Microwave Peach Cobbler

PS. This is my submission to this month’s Anyone Can Cook Fabulous Vegetarian Food.

Vegan Deviled “Eggs”
Adapted from Happy Herbivore Light & Lean

6 small red potatoes (I used a bunch of small white potatoes)
1/4 cup hummus (I used my favourite hummus)
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp garlic powder (I used garlic granules)
1/4 tsp onion powder (I used onion granules)
pinch black salt
pinch turmeric
pinch chile flakes
paprika or smoked paprika (garnish)

1. Boil potatoes until fork-tender, then let cool completely. (Janet’s note: I recommend cutting them in half prior to boiling for fasting cooking. This is around 20-30 minutes, depending on the size of your potato)

2. Meanwhile, mix hummus, Dijon, garlic powder, and onion powder together, plus a pinch of black salt and turmeric, stirring to combine. (Add hot sauce here if you prefer a spicy deviled egg.) Taste, adding more Dijon or black salt to taste, then set aside.

3. Once potatoes cool, slice in half long-ways and use a little spoon or melon baller to scoop out a small circle of the potato flesh (this is your “egg”). (Janet’s note: I did this but I don’t think it is that necessary, just put the hummus on top!) Spoon hummus mixture into the hole and garnish with paprika.

Chef’s Note: Black salt is also called kala namak. Not to be confused with Hawaiian black lava salt.

Makes 12 eggs, I recommend at least doubling the recipe

  1. I do love no-oil meals, but if I’m eating one I make sure to add some other source of fat. I agree with you – I have a hard time feeling full without it. This is a cute idea for deviled eggs – I have definitely been wanting to check out this cookbook for inspiration so I would love to win!

  2. This is an awesome recipe and review! I’ve already won this cookbook, so don’t want to win and take it from someone else, but I do definitely want to make this recipe!

  3. Ohhh yeahhh…another giveaway !!! Thanks again 🙂 I’m really grateful for that generosity 🙂

    No oil cooking ?! In the past, a few years ago, I was cooking like that and for me, everything seems delicious. After a while I started using oil in my cooking and my recipes seemed better, more flavorful, with more depth, etc.

    However, I bought the first cookbook of the Happy Herbivore series and was really surprised to notice how all the recipes we’ve tried were really good and flavorful. You don’t even mind or noticed the no-oil thing. So, I would be really interested in having this cookbook since we really enjoyed all the recipes we’ve tried so far of her first cookbook.

    This one seems yummy too !!!

    Thanks again Janet and have a nice day 🙂

  4. I love cooking without oil! I don’t notice a difference in taste and have zero food guilt!

  5. Since I got a slow cooker I’ve been experimenting more with no-oil cooking and the results can be just as tasty.

    Would be great to get some inspiration for no-oil cooking outside of the slow cooker 🙂

  6. This is ridiculously creative! I love the use hummus… I’d even brave eating a white potato for this. Or maybe I’d just use the little purple sweet potatoes. 😉

  7. what’s not to like about no oil meals! Yum

  8. Wow that is such a great recipe – yours look like the real deal – we always have hummus in the house so I must try this – would be so much fun for entertaining. I quite like potatoes but it is touch and go whether we have them in the house

  9. I love cooking with no oil. Now when we eat food that has been cooked in oil, we can feel a difference. Yuck.

  10. Reblogged this on veggiewitch and commented:
    Yummy! ❤

  11. Looks great! I prefer to cook with minimal oil but a lot of dishes I use require sauteing. I would love to get some ideas on how to cook without it.

  12. I love no-oil cooking! I am fairly new to it, and there is a learning curve, but I feel like I taste the veggies now, instead of the oil. I make sure to eat some fat to be able to absorb those vitamins but I am done with refined oils!

    I have this book from the library right now and am loving it. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  13. Sounds great, but does that mean you can’t finish the dish oil either? Truffle oil or hemp oil. Wonder.

  14. I am new to no oil cooking. I haven’t much experience. I know I need fat to feel full so I am interested in learning more.

  15. I don’t really have an opinion on no-oil meals- sure eat them if you want to, I know I eat at least one non-oil meal a day usually. However I do have an opinion on no-oil diets. I don’t think they are necessary or balanced for regular life in a healthy individuals long term. That being said, they are great for healing from certain conditions, usually cardiovascular. But I would love this cookbook for more ideas for no-oil meals both for myself and future nutrition clients 🙂

  16. What a fun idea to make vegan eggs like this. It made me laugh, a little. Just like it makes me laugh when I use vegannaise in an eggsalad sandwich 🙂 As it happens, I have a book of Lindsay’s currently on loan from the library, and that is why the giveaway caught my eye. I have been inspired by your blog many times for dinner, and look forward to many more tasty ideas!

  17. That recipe sounds great! I must say your pics make it look even yummier than the book’s pic, probably because I’d naturally go for the ones that have a more generous amount of topping… 🙂
    As for the no-oil thing, I’m not specifically into it. I don’t use tons of oil in my cooking and I don’t eat fried stuff very often, but I don’t refrain from using good quality oils when I need and want to. And really, a drizzle of toasted sesame oil can take a dish from great to amazing!

  18. I wouldn’t know where to start – I use oil in so many dishes! I’m curious to learn, though, especially since I’m trying to eat healthier.

  19. These potato ‘eggs’ look fabulous. I have been wanting that book after reading about it in various places.
    I have done no-oil, vegan eating challenges and it’s doable but I do go back to the oil afterward–although I have definitely cut down on the amount I use and cook with in recipes over the years. 😉

  20. Wrinkled potatoes sound like fun!

  21. Oh, what fun! Thanks so much for linking to my challenge!

    And I’d certainly be up for trying no oil cooking. I can’t think of too many things I make that don’t start with a slug of olive oil…


  22. What a neat idea! I can’t tolerate potatoes, but my boys would love these, and I have baby Yukon gold potatoes that would be perfect size.

  23. […] Happy Herbivore Light & Lean over at The Taste Space – Giveaway ends April 7 – Open to US and Canada […]

  24. When my husband and I first switched over to cooking without oil, we were skeptical. I must say we have been pleasantly surprised! Now we always saute in water or broth and have learned what to use in different baked good recipes. We still eat fats from whole foods (like nuts and seeds), but have really come to love the taste of food without the oils. When we go out to eat in restaurants where everything is so greasy, we usually come home feeling a little sick. We’ve lost weight eating this way and feel great!

    I have a few recipes from Lindsay’s cookbooks that we use regularly. My husband hates ketchup and mayonnaise (and all condiments actually), so most of her cookbooks have not been for us. It’s nice to hear this one might be a little different. Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  25. i frequently cook with no oil – the fresh taste of the food just comes through so much more!

  26. I cook no-oil for myself at home. I don’t worry too much when I eat out though, as long as its vegan!

  27. I don’t mind 1-2 Tbsp of oil for sauteing but when I see a lot of oil for frying or in dressings I don’t bother with that recipe.

  28. We try to avoid oil in our diets but will use just a little bit in cooking.

  29. No oil can be hard to do sometimes, but veggies can usually be sauteed in vegetable broth.

  30. I have been cooking no oil for years now and I am always looking for new recipes!

  31. I usually cook without oil – I can taste the difference now when I eat something that has a lot of oil in it. It tends to make me feel crappy 😦 I like to get my healthy fats from nuts, avocado, and hemp 🙂

  32. How creative. I am thinking avocado would be lovely in place of the hummus too. As for oil, I enjoy cooking with it, especially olive oil, sesame oil and coconut oil. I tend to be sparing with it though.

  33. […] most creative appetizer: Vegan Devilled Eggs by The Taste […]

  34. The only meals I try to limit oil in are baking ones. I don’t mind sauteing in oil, or other healthy fats, but I hate when a bread or cake recipe calls for a lot of it.

  35. […] fabulously. So fabulously, I just had to share it. Knowing that hummus+mustard worked well in my vegan deviled eggs, I worked with a mummus sauce (mustard + hummus). Worried my rice bowl may be too beige, I added […]

  36. I’m glad I finally caught up on your posts and am in time to enter this contest! This looks intriguing… I may try the mustard/black salt hummus all on its own, though. 🙂
    PS – I just moved to Toronto and live three blocks from Lucky Moose. Thanks for the tip on that one! It is fab.

  37. I highly prefer no-oil meals.

  38. I’ve found it surprisingly easy to cook with no oil – I just wish I had started doing so years ago!

  39. […] Vegan Devilled Eggs – Tastespace […]

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