janet @ the taste space

Mighty Migas + Taco Cleanse GIVEAWAY!

In Book Review, Mains (Vegetarian) on January 5, 2016 at 7:08 AM

Mighty Migas + Taco Cleanse GIVEAWAY!


If you are trying to pick a January cleanse, I finally found one I fully endorse: The Taco Cleanse. Created and then executed by Wes Allison, Stephanie Bogdanich, Molly R. Frisinger, and Jessica Morris, The Taco Cleanse celebrates delicious vegan tacos and is anything but a deprivation diet.

Instead, you are instructed how to eat a taco for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You are acquainted with the newest superfoods (corn tortillas AND flour tortillas!) and learn how to integrate them into delicious meals.

The Taco Cleanse

Tongue-in-cheek aside, this is a cute and satirical cookbook all the while focusing on delicious tacos. 75 recipes and lots of pretty colourful pictures are included. Without any swearing, you will be laughing as you try to pick the next taco you want to make.

Mighty Migas + Taco Cleanse GIVEAWAY!

I haven’t tried a full-blown cleanse yet like ZsuCady, Amey, Kittee and Erin, but I have enjoyed all the recipes so far. I liked the Wake and Shake Tofu Scramble (you basically add nooch to coat tofu!!) as well as this Mighty Migas Scramble. I am also tempted by the Blue Corn Chip-Crusted Tofu, Veracruz Giant Limas, Barbacoa Mushrooms and Jackfruit Brisket. Actually, the problem is I want to try too many of the recipes.

This Migas recipe was a lot of fun and a delicious tofu scramble. Different than my previous Migas, the nutritional yeast, non-dairy milk and vegan cheese definitely elevate the cheesiness of the scramble. I even added the jalapeno and it balanced the sauciness perfectly.

I used some leftover holiday chips but one could easily use leftover tortillas as well, since they become soggier the longer you wait to eat your meal.

Mighty Migas + Taco Cleanse GIVEAWAY!

The publisher allowed me to giveaway the cookbook to a reader living in Canada or the United States. To be entered in the random draw for the book, please leave a comment below telling me whether you have any shame-free resolutions for the new year. The winner will be selected at random on January 15, 2016. Good luck!

PS. I am sharing this with Meat Free Mondays, The Vegetarian Library and this month’s My Legume Love Affair.

Mighty Migas
Reprinted, with permission, from The Taco Cleanse: The Tortilla-Based Diet Proven to Change Your Life

Author’s note: What started out as a way to use up leftover corn tortillas has become a staple of brunch tables. Migas tacos are transformational because they contain two superfoods: corn and flour tortillas. If you’ve been afflicted with collywobbles or gripe, try eating at least one migas taco a week. Because your homemade corn tortillas are probably too delicious to leave any leftovers, tortilla chips stand in here.

1 tablespoon cooking oil
1/2 cup (70 g) chopped onion
1 jalapeno, sliced into rings
14 to 18 ounces (397 to 454 g) firm tofu, drained
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup (37 g) crumbled tortilla chips
1 cup (170 g) seeded, chopped tomato
1/4 cup (15 g) nutritional yeast
1/4 cup (60 ml) unsweetened plant milk or water
1/2 cup (48 g) vegan cheddar, optional
8 Flour Tortillas

1. Heat the oil in a large sauté pan over medium-high heat. Sauté the onion and jalapeño for 2 minutes, or until the onion starts to soften. Crumble the tofu into the pan and sprinkle with the salt, cumin, and pepper. Cook until the tofu is dry and browned on at least one side, about 10 minutes. Try not to stir too often as this prevents browning. Add the rest of the ingredients, including the cheese if you’re using it, and stir thoroughly. Cook until the tomato softens and the liquid is completely absorbed. Serve in the flour tortillas.

Recipe from The Taco Cleanse: The Tortilla-Based Diet Proven to Change Your Life, copyright ©Wes Allison, Stephanie Bogdanich, Molly R. Frisinger, Jessica Morris, 2015. Top photo by Stephanie Bogdanich. Reprinted by permission of the publisher, The Experiment. Available wherever books are sold.

Note: I was given a copy of the cookbook from the publisher.  I was under no obligation to share a review. The opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Contest Rules: No purchase necessary. Contest period begins Tuesday, January 5 2016 and ends Friday, January 15, 2016. For Canadian and United States residents only. Approximate retail value US$17.95. Enter by writing a comment answering the prompt for a chance to win.  Entrants must supply a valid email address. Winners will be notified by email and must respond within 48 hours.

  1. Shame free are the best resolutions. Ride my horse more.

  2. I love the idea of shame free resolutions, but I’m basically at maximum happiness now so it’s hard to think of anything that would add more happiness. Maybe I’ll start mediating again. I’m also definitely going to get a copy of the Taco Cleanse one way or another.

  3. I want to keep moving this winter. During growing season I spend a lot of time working in pasture and garden; winter tends to be my sewing and indoor time. I miss the lift that comes from more regular muscle work, though, so I want to get moving. Surprisingly, no snow yet this winter, so nothing to shovel…I’ll have to come up with something else.

  4. I want to start taking meditation seriously this year. I want to really connect with who I am.

  5. I hope to go back to school this year and I also want to double the size of my current garden so I can grow lots more veggies.

  6. i never make new years resolutions because of the shame spiral that they can induce. but, i am willing to say that i’d like to laugh more, hug more, kiss my kids more. even though they are probably already sick of it 😀

  7. Mine is really to just be happier 🙂 i love shame free resolutions!

  8. I like to set intentions, month by month. Trying to make a resolution for an entire year is overwhelming for me. However, I love the “no shame” idea! This month my intention is to be fully present in the moment, as much as possible.

  9. My intention is to become an expert at the MELT Method! I want to be rid of chronic pain once and for all!

  10. For me, last year was a rough one and I received a lot of love and support from my family and community. So this year, since things are getting better, I’m pledging 5 volunteer hours a month as my way of giving back and hopefully making someone else’s day a bit better.

  11. I think resolutions are for chumps and are designed to fail. I just try to be a better person and blogger a little bit more each day 🙂

  12. my resolution is sprout more sprouts! you can put sprouts in tacos, right?

  13. This book sounds awesome! I dont really do New Year’s resolutions. However, with that said, I would like to eat less junk & processed foods & instead eat more whole foods.

  14. Eating more tacos is probably a good start, but I’m going to try to be kinder to myself this year. And meditate.

  15. I’m going to finally run the half marathon I’ve been threatening to for a couple years

  16. I made 0 resolutions this year. I have a baby on the way so I figured that is enough of a project to keep me challenged 🙂

  17. My resolution is to read 52 books in 52 weeks! This is a big leap for me but I am ready for the challenge!

  18. My New Years resolution is to get to bed earlier

  19. My resolution is to work with my children on skills they need like cooking, cleaning, looking both ways they cross the street. This cookbook would be awesome as I love tacos and my daughter is a vegetarian!

  20. I’m getting boobs and not going to feel bad about it. I deserve it

  21. I didn’t make resolutions per se, but I have renewed my commitment to take walks as often as possible, ideally daily, but I won’t beat myself up if it doesn’t happen every single day.

  22. I’m going to read more this year than I did last year!

  23. I resolve to walk daily when I am not able to go for a run, and to eat simpler meals during the week.

  24. Are you kidding me? Who wouldn’t love to go on a taco cleanse!

  25. My resolution is to make, feed and eat more fermented foods with my 4 teenage boys. I would like to try to make some natto soon 🙂

  26. I don’t do New Year’s resolutions because they just don’t work for me, but I am eager to partake in the taco madness! We just had our first baby so I think a challenge this year (different than a resolution) will be figuring out how to go slow and not focus too far ahead when everything is going fast.

  27. Is this shame-free? My resolution is to finally have all of our credit card debt paid off! So, trying to be much more responsible. 🙂 And a good way to do that is to eat out a lot less, and make lots of tacos at home!

  28. I don’t make resolutions so I don’t have any this year. But if I did make them eating more tacos would be up there.

  29. Mmmmmm tacos!!!! So yummy. I would really like to check out this book. I’m glad you were able to share one of the recipes.
    As for a shame-free resolution this new year, read more (completely selfish haha). And eat more tacos????

  30. My resolution is less work, and hopefully more time to do things like cooking! 🙂

  31. Tacos tacos tacos! My brother would absolutely love this book; he is all about tacos and Mexican food. However, if the recipes are as tasty sounding as the one that you were able to share, I might have to keep it for myself 🙂
    One of my resolutions is to limit my spending at Whole Foods – the grocery store is dangerous because there is always something new there to try. My stomach is happy, but my pocketbook is not. I figure that there must be some sort of happy medium.

  32. Cool ! This book sounds interesting…taco cleanse ! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway, once again 😉.

    Hummm…resolution ? Good question, especially at this time of the year. Everybody is having super good intentions. I’m planning to focus more on resolving some of my health problems…!

    Happy New Year Janet 😊

  33. I am planning on eating more beans & ridding myself of possessions that no longer fit my lifestyle.

  34. I’m all for eating healthy, and if that includes tacos, all the better!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  35. Oops, I meant my RESOLUTION is eating healthy — healthier than I have in the past!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  36. I’m going to walk more and eat healthier!

  37. My resolution is to start running more. I was doing it a lot until the days got significantly shorter and now all my workouts are indoors. So I’m still doing stuff, I just miss being outside.

  38. I love the idea of shame free resolutions! My resolution is to learn take better pictures for my blog. I’m starting a food photography class to help with that!

  39. I’m not big on making New Year’s resolutions. I think maybe we could say a resolution is to continue eating healthily and deliciously. And this recipe looks like it could help with that 🙂

  40. Stress out less, laugh more!

  41. I stopped making resolutions so long ago. I’m less destined to fail that way. =)

  42. Just doing things that will improve my health like paying attention to how much added sugar is the products I eat.

  43. No shame ever! I’m making a promise to set aside more time for my favorite activities, like sewing.

  44. looks amazing – want some – my only problem is that I rarely have corn tacos and every more rarely have them leftover – but sounds worth buying some for

    • Johanna, it is funny because whenever we buy tortillas there are always so many, we end up freezing them because we can’t eat them fast enough. I have thought about making them myself but I don’t think it would be worth it.

  45. […] love the stuff, and we usually use it for the base of a meatless bolognese sauce, or in vegetarian migas. The idea to make chorizo meatballs was directly inspired by a mindblowing kofta recipe Kel put […]

  46. Mmmm migas…Being married to an Austinite has its advantages. 🙂

    I pinged this article in my most recent blog post, which you can check out here: https://sidedishesblog.wordpress.com/2016/03/21/e-pluribus-durum/ – Follow along if you’re interested!

  47. […] made them plenty of times – dillicious, chili masala, curried dill, tahini chickpea, and mighty migas. And then there was the Revolutionary Savoury Egg Mix just waiting for a tofu scramble. They are […]

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