janet @ the taste space

Kale Granola (or Raw Coconut Almond Kale Chips)

In Breakfasts, Desserts on December 13, 2012 at 6:22 AM

I was planning on sharing a different recipe with you today.

I had the theme of my post all figured out in my head.

I went to go find my photos… and looked, and looked and looked… I looked again.

They were nowhere to be found.

Completely scandalous in the land of food blogging, where recipes rarely get repeated and I only do one photoshoot. I really have no idea how I lost them. 😦

However, while I was searching for my photos, I unearthed this gem of a recipe. Rather, I rediscovered photos that I had neglected. I obviously need a better photo tracking system.

Clearly made before my sweetener-free challenge, this packs a serious punch. Satisfies a snack attack. Or maybe not, since it is so addictive.

Kale granola.

Or kale chips with the works.

Crispy dehydrated kale is coated in a caramel lemon-cinnamon dressing and tossed with coconut, dried cherries, almonds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds for some glorious snacking.

That other recipe? Well, it was also for a crispy snack, sweetener-free, of course. I will just have to make it again and not loose the photos.

Funny how with this blogging blooper, I inadvertently turned more blogger, with a recipe for kale chips. HA!

Have you ever lost your photos before? I once had to recover engagement photos of my brother and at-the-time fiancee. Gosh, that was stressful. But now, I have no clue where the photos could even be recovered… and NO, I did not dream that I took the photos. I had witnesses while making the recipe, too. I know I did! 🙂

This is my submission to this week’s Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted by Graziana, and to this week’s Healthy Vegan Fridays.

Kale Granola (or Coconut Almond Kale Chips)
Adapted from Vegan Culinary Crusade

4 large Medjool dates, pitted
1/2 cup warm water
1/8 tsp lemon extract
1 bunch of curly kale
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch of sea salt
1/2 cup dried shredded coconut
1/4 cup dried cherries
1/2 cup almonds, coarsely chopped
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
2 tbsp sesame seeds

1. In a medium bowl, soak the dates in the water and lemon extract for at least 30 minutes, or until softened.

2. Meanwhile, remove the stems from the kale and tear into bite-size pieces. Place in a large bowl.

3. In a blender, combine the soaked dates and the soaking liquid. Blend until it is a thick paste. Add the cinnamon and salt and blend briefly to combine.

4. Add paste to kale leaves and massage to coat each and every leaf.

5. Add in remainder of your ingredients and toss to coat.

6. Spread kale in a single layer over 2 Teflex-lined trays and dehydrate for 95F for 20 hours, or until crispy. If you do not have a dehydrator, Lisa recommends baking at 300F for 35-40 minutes with the oven door slightly ajar.

  1. This recipe is most awesome! Thank you. I now need to invest in a dehydrater. I have been coming upon a few recipes lately that call for one.

  2. You had me at “kale!” I love kale chips and kale chip granola sounds spectacular! 😉

  3. Kale granola is such a fun idea!! I really like that you use sesame seeds. I don’t know why I never think of them but they are a favorite!

  4. Great recipe! i have yet to try a sweet version of kale

  5. oh wow do I ever want to make this!! I’m so glad you found this to share!

  6. Fascinating recipe! Perhaps today’s intended recipe’s photos will show up a few months from now, when you’re looking for something else, and the blogger circle of life will be complete. Or unending…

  7. I love your blog- just stumbled upon it. Great info!

  8. this looks amazing! yum.

  9. I’ve actually never had that happen in real life but I feel like it’s a recurring nightmare of mine! Great save with these kale chips though. I love the sound of that delicious coating!

  10. Sorry about your photos! But we got to enjoy kale granola instead. 😉 I recently read a post about another kale granola that was actually used as a breakfast cereal. .. with milk. Both look great!

  11. As if you hadn’t already won me over with your talk of pooping. I mean, I LIKE kale chips, but they don’t really excite me. I don’t usually eye pictures of leafy greens and get a little giddy–But a trail mix version? This is so fabulously unique, and I can just imagine how good a nutty, coconutty, fruity, crispy kale mix would be. Now I want to go hiking. Or just wander around my house while snacking on this. That’s like a hike right?

  12. Turning kale chips into a “granola” is such a good idea! I wouldn’t have thought it would work to eat kale chips with other ingredients like nuts and dried fruit because they tend to be so delicate, but it sounds like mixing everything together before dehydrating would help it to stick together.

  13. What a WONDERFUL interpretation of kale chips. I need to start thinking outside the box more!

  14. This looks and sounds delicious! I never see kale in the grocery store although I see it everywhere on blogs. Can’t figure that out!

    • That’s interesting.. where do you live? Kale is a very cool weather loving plant so it is common even in traditional grocery stores here. I bet other dark greens could work like Swiss chard but I haven’t tried that yet myself… but I should! 🙂

  15. so cool! omg you can bet your bottom I am making this!! ❤

  16. […] the curry, though. I think they look reasonably different, so trust me I am not recycling photos! No lost photos for this […]

  17. […] batch of lost photos. Although the “lost” photos from that previous post were found (!!), months after I […]

  18. […] have mentioned these beet chips discretely before. I have made them a few time, but lost my original set of photos. It was a perfect impetus to make […]

  19. Bravo! Great idea 🙂

  20. This is a fantastic idea! I love kale chips, but you just put them over the top!!!

  21. […] 3: Kale Granola (or Raw Coconut Almond Kale Chips) […]

  22. […] 3. Kale Granola from The Taste Space: […]

  23. Wow, I love both granola and kale chips and combining sweet with savoury so this recipe is perfect for me. I can’t wait to try these!

  24. […] have made thus far, including: Raw Strawberry Cream Tart, Raw Mango Energy Bars, Kale Granola, Almost Raw Chocolate Banana Crepes with Almond-Coconut Cream and Cinnamon-Flax […]

  25. I just made my first kale granola this week! It was stupendous. Recipe will go up soon, but in the meantime, I’ll have to break out the dehydrator again because yours looks like a dream as well.

  26. […] Lisa’s cookbook. A longtime fan of their respective blogs and a hardcore fan of their recipes and baking (I was fortunate to have eaten through many months of their Treat of the Month Club), I knew […]

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