janet @ the taste space

Ginger-Lime-Wasabi Edamame Hummus

In Appetizers on March 22, 2012 at 1:15 PM

I am a victim of my own success.

Nearly a year ago, I started my whole foods vegan diet, or vegan on steroids as Rob likes to put it. I did it primarily for health and environmental concerns and haven’t looked back.

No, really, there is no turning back. I know some people wonder why I can’t just eat something if it has meat broth, or snack on whole wheat bread, or just eat the darn white rice. There is a reason for my choices and I don’t want to compromise. Not all vegan food is healthy.

On the rare occasion, I have made small compromises. Last summer, I went to a potluck where a friend didn’t know about my food choices and quickly whipped up some deep-fried tofu-and-lotus root croquettes for me. I should have stuck to my lentil salad, but I also nibbled on a rice dish and the croquettes. I left that night with a belly beyond bloated. At the time, we thought maybe I had mistakenly eaten something with shrimp (of which I do have allergies) because I reacted so badly.

I have travelled a lot this year, some for vacation, other times for interviews and this time for a conference. I have become really good at planning for success: finding a grocery store and appropriate restaurants, if need be. This time, I returned to my favourite Vancouver hotel not only because it is affordable, but because I have a mini-fridge in my room and access to a communal kitchen. I also know that T&T is close for me to pick up affordable groceries. Because I didn’t have to cross borders, I brought some veggies, hummus (this Ginger-Lime-Wasabi Edamame Hummus!) and some leftovers with me to tie me over until I was able to shop at T&T. I even brought a dressing in anticipation of buying frozen edamame, a quick and easy way for me to get my bean fix. 🙂

I was pretty diligent about picking up some produce to bring me back to my normal routine: tea and grapefruit to start the day. I planned for a simple oatmeal+flax+fruit breakfast, but instead was wooed by Ruth’s Chia Goodness at T&T. Basically it is a souped up chia pudding and I am adamant to recreate it for my next travel destination. It is easier than my portable overnight oats since I have been using water as the liquid instead of nondairy milk. I picked up a bunch of veggies to make some collard wraps with my hummus (pea shoots, carrots and cucumber), and edamame for my bean salad.

However, I left Toronto’s balmy summer weather and was greeted by Vancouver’s cold and wet conditions. In the span of an hour, I can see it pouring torrential rain, followed by some snow/sleet and then the sun will come out and dry it all away. With this chilling weather, by the time a few days rolled around, the last thing I wanted to eat was another cold salad or wrap.

While I had earlier success at some nearby raw restaurants (Gorilla Food‘s Main St Monkey sandwich is so good!), I scoped out some hot vegan eats at nearby Nuba, a Lebanese resto with many vegan options. I had enjoyed my meal there last year, so I was eager to have a large glass of carrot-beet-ginger-lime juice, as well as mujaddara. I also opted for a small side of Najib’s special: crispy cauliflower with lemon and sea salt, with a tahini sauce. Unfortunately, a few hours later, I had a bloated belly…  However, a few days later, I thought maybe their red lentil soup and falafels could sooth my cold soul. Not so. Within minutes of finishing my plate, my belly was bloated again. I thought I had picked hearty bean dishes, but my plan had been foiled. Even when I don’t know what the offending food is, my belly cannnot be fooled.

In retrospect, I have blamed it on the deep-frying.The mujaddara had deep-fried crispy onions, that crispy cauliflower – yeah, it was deep-fried, too, and those falafels were also deep-fried. Suffice it to say, I don’t deep-fry anything at home and this was probably what caused my troubles.

You see, I cannot go back to my old ways.

Many bloggers have recently adopted a vegetarian, vegan or whole foods way of eating. I would love to know if you’ve experienced the same since changing. Before I went whole foods, I never really had any digestive issues. Now, a small deviation into junk can easily trigger something nasty. Annie recently said she notices changes immediately when she deviates from her vegan, gluten-free diet.

Anyways, back to the hummus. Hummus is the perfect travel food in my opinion, because all you need are some veggies to dip and you are good to go! It can also go a bit more fancy with a collard wrap or a hummus dressing for a raw kale salad. While I prefer the traditional recipe, you can easily mix things up with different flavours – any takers for pomegranate red pepper or Indian-spiced? This time, I opted for a spin off of Gena’s Ginger Lime Edamame Hummus which I had immediately bookmarked last summer.

I’ve made some fabulously creamy edamame dips (edamame miso dip and edamame guacamole), so I knew this wouldn’t disappoint. I liked Gena’s suggestion for ginger and lime. Instead of tobasco sauce, though, I added wasabi powder to continue with the Asian theme. It contrasted nicely with the sharp bite from the ginger and the acidity from the lime, all the while creamy from the edamame and tahini.

Yet another successful variation on hummus. I think I will warm it up to counteract my shunning of all cold foods.

This is my submission to this month’s Bookmarked Recipes, to Ricki’s Wellness Weekend and to this month’s Gimme Green event.

Ginger-Lime-Wasabi Edamame Hummus
Adapted from Choosing Raw

1 clove garlic, minced
1-inch piece of ginger (peeled if not organic)
1.75 cups cooked chickpeas, with reserved cooking liquid
1 cup shelled edamame, thawed
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1/3 cup tahini
1/4 tsp salt, or to taste
1/4 tsp wasabi powder, or to taste

1. If you have time, warm your chickpeas and its cooking water.

2. In your food processor, place garlic and ginger and process until finely chopped.

3. Add chickpeas, edamame, lime juice, tahini, salt and wasabi and blend until smooth. Scrape down the sides as needed.

4. As the food processor continues to spin, slowly drizzle in warm reserved cooking liquid (or stock, or water) until you reach your desired consistency. I added around 1/4-1/3 cup.

Makes 3.5 cups.

  1. I feel your pain! I changed my diet to nearly vegan (I’ve held on to butter) at the suggestion of a naturopath, and now dairy gives me unpleasant consequences. It does make me sad, so I eat my Greek salad with goat’s milk feta anyway…but not too often. My hubby suggested that it is not so much changes in digestion as heightened personal awareness, but I’m not so sure. I’m 99% sure that I’ll never be able to go back to innocently eating animal products without noticing the results in my body. Darn you, enlightenment!

    • Thank you so much for sharing, Anneh. I think my family thinks I have gone nuts… but it is true! I really don’t want to experiment if it will make me feel so poorly. It is just not worth it. 😦

  2. Edamame hummus has been on my to-make list for a long, long time. This looks awesome – I love the wasabi!

    I totally agree about the grocery store being a friend when traveling on a plant-based diet. I travel for my job a lot and have found that between that, smoothies (I bring my own vegan protein powder and have the shop add it), and the general helpfulness of hotel room service you can travel and keep your diet clean fairly easily.

  3. To be honest, nothing has changed for me. But in all fairness, I don’t think I’ve restricted myself enough to only whole foods to know the difference. I still eat out in restaurants once a week or so and eat whatever I want – gluten, dairy, sugar, and all. The rest of the time, I eat only foods that I prepare with wholesome ingredients. I guess my argument is that I don’t have a real intolerance to these foods, so why avoid them? But then again, I am suffering from some pretty wacky hormonal issues right now, so it’s always in the back of my mind that I should give up those food groups completely to find out. I don’t have an excuse other than “I’m weak”, unfortunately.

  4. It’s been a year since I’ve been officially vegetarian…and you’re right. you can’t go back. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I ate meat again…but honestly, I have absolutely ZERO desire to. And since I cook almost all of my own foods, whenever I eat anything out with even slightly more oil than normal – MAJOR stomach issues. It’s true that I eat the things I bake, but I eat a meager amount compared to what I post…ONE cookie or a HALF a cupcake. Nothing compared to a whole dish full of deep fried something or other!

  5. […] for the feedback on yesterday’s post about changes after embarking on a whole food lifestyle. Since I’ve cut out refined flours, I […]

  6. What a great recipe! I make a weekly batch of hummus (usually with kidney or navy beans) and will try a variation on these flavors.
    I went cold-“turkey” plant-strong in mid-September. I ate a tiny bit of turkey on Thanksgiving and also a few of the side dishes–which I know contained dairy, lots of fat, etc. Unfortunately, there was a lot of pressure to try everything. The next day I was so sick. It was awful.
    I have zero interest in meat, fish, etc. At the grocery store I always bag those items (for my b-friend) separate from my healthy eats. As if a block of cheese packed with my bananas will do any harm…goofy, I know!

  7. […] blogger Janet from The Taste Space recently wrote a post on the side effects of deviating from one’s whole food, plant-based diet, and posed a sort of question to some of us who live and eat similarly.  Rather than write a […]

  8. What an interesting combination of flavors! I’ve yet to try edamame hummus.

    I don’t diligently follow a whole foods diet but I also don’t eat anything deep fried. I’m overly sensitive to high amounts of fats and I find that eating out always results in tummy woes, even when I order items that I presume are healthy. I chalk it up to that fact that restaurants use a lot more oil in their cooking then what I use at home. I’ve been vegan for 3+ years now and I have no idea if I would have an adverse effect if I ate any animal products now, nor do I ever want to find out. I could never go back to eating the way I used to, I’ve just learned too much to even consider it an option. I can say that since becoming vegan, my tummy troubles have decreased immensely, and although health reason are not why I gave up animal products, I’m pretty happy with the results.

  9. Wow! Thats a new way of making hummus for me. Great recipe! Thanks a lot sharing this on my space 🙂

  10. WHat a wonderful, modern interpretation of hummus. Edamame is newly available here where I live in Mexico. Now I have a new way to prepare it!

  11. […] gosh, am I ever happy to be back at home! Thankfully I was able to enjoy the summer weather this weekend. 22°C, baby! Rob and I took […]

  12. This hummus sounds great. I just got back from a conference in San Antonio and was dismayed by how difficult it was to find balanced vegan options.

    • I was in San Antonio last year for a conference and I totally agree! I ended up going to Greens which was a nice resto but a bit of a walk from my hotel. Houston should be ok because I will have a car to do groceries at least – and I know there’s a Whole Foods and TJ’s is being built. 😉

  13. This hummus looks amazing! I love the idea of adding wasabi – genius! I’ve always had a pretty sensitive digestive system so my body doesn’t do well if I deviate from my vegan/whole foods approach, but I have noticed since eating cleaner that sugar really bothers my system. Even an occasional dessert made with sugar really affects me. Luckily I much prefer raw desserts sweetened with fruit or natural sweeteners! 🙂

  14. […] thick and creamy like a typical gravy but it was rich and savoury without hurting my belly (no grease, please). If you like a thicker sauce, add the cornstarch. I loved the thinness so that it trickled down to […]

  15. I love edamame, can’t believe I have yet to try edamame hummus! It’s kind of a curse and blessing that you can’t go back once you adopt such a healthy style of eating!

  16. Do you leave the edamame in the shell when you throw it in the food processor??

  17. […] I am pretty good about making my the majority of meals on the weekends and scooping out leftovers all week. But sometimes I don’t want to eat what I’ve already made. Sometimes I don’t want salad. […]

  18. […] by everyone. The flavours were complex and delicious with big vegetable “meatballs”. Baked, not fried. The sauce was creamy without being heavy.  While you could simply omit the chaat masala from the […]

  19. […] Ginger-Lime-Wasabi Edamame Hummus (tastespace.wordpress.com) […]

  20. […] admit it: I am guilty of making non-traditional hummus. I have made hummuses (hummi? hummus?) with edamame and white beans instead of chickpeas, with peanut butter and cashews instead of tahini, and even a […]

  21. […] for a comparison. I usually rely on Rob’s opinion, who eats out more than I do. While on my many travels last year, I stumbled upon a highly rated Indian resto that had quite a few vegan options. I helped myself to […]

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