janet @ the taste space

Seitan Sausage Buns (High protein buns that taste like sausage)

In Mains (Vegetarian) on May 21, 2013 at 6:11 AM

Seitan Sausage Buns (High protein buns that taste like sausage)

My brother likes to make fun of my standard breakfasts: oatmeal + protein powder + spice/fruit + flax/chia. Not the oatmeal, the protein powder part. Why do I need that? That isn’t all natural. For me, it is one way to ensure I reach my daily protein needs and gives me a filling breakfast (oats alone do not do that).

It is true: I eat things that have been processed. I can’t make everything from scratch and sometimes I think it is necessary to tap into the best parts of what a plant can give me. I am anti-white flour because flour has been stripped of its nutrients, but what if I told you I found a fortified wheat “flour”? One filled with 75% protein. It is called vital wheat gluten. You strip away everything but the protein. Wheat protein powder! Instead of adding it to smoothies, like my regular protein powder, I bake with this one.

I have made seitan before. I liked these chorizo sausages, especially with cabbage, as well as Chinese Five-Spice Seitan with cabbage. I’ve also trying the boiling method to make seitan directly in a stew (the Iraqi eggplant stew was oh so good). However, always up for a new recipe, this time I tried a baked sausage. For some reason, I remembered seitan being a pain to make, with kneading and resting, etc. I wanted to see how a simpler recipe would compare. Just a bit of kneading, and then a simple bake. This one lacked chickpea flour and mashed beans (vital wheat gluten only) and used flavours from nutritional yeast, smoked paprika, mustard and tamari and was easy to make.

Seitan is also known as wheat meat. This recipe reminded me of that. It tasted more bread-like. I don’t think that’s how most seitan is supposed to be (maybe because I decreased the oil?) but I still thought it tasted good. And they were easy to make. Mix, knead, bake.

I rechristened these as sausage buns because they are buns that taste like sausage, not because there is a sausage in the bun.. HA! Most recipes tell you to let your seitan cool and an overnight chill in the fridge is recommended to enhance their flavour. Well, I ate these puppies straight from the oven, unadorned, only cooled so that I could unwrap them without burning my fingers. Delicious. A warm bun. A (super) filling high-protein bun. (I am not joking, if you make this into 3 buns, each bun is 50g of protein and only 315 calories). And super filling. Bready and chewy with a nice flavour from the smoked paprika and nooch. I found them a bit salty, which may explain why I liked them so much, so next time I would suggest decreasing the salt and/or tamari and add to taste.

What are your thoughts on seitan? Not too popular with anyone on an anti-gluten diet, but if you are not gluten-sensitive, definitely give it a shot.

Seitan Sausage Buns (High protein buns that taste like sausage)

This is my submission to this month’s Random Recipe for bread.

Seitan Sausage Buns
Adapted from Vegan Yum Yum

1.5 cups vital wheat gluten (this brand looks very reasonably priced on amazon, btw)
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp salt (I would reduce this next time)
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp mustard
1 tbsp low-sodium tamari (or reduce this, as I found it a bit salty)
1 cup water

1. Preheat oven to 375F.

2. In a medium bowl, mix together the vital wheat gluten, nutritional yeast, smoked paprika and salt.

3. In a smaller bowl, combine the oil, mustard, tamari and water.

4. Pour liquid mixture into dry mixture and knead for 3-5 minutes, until well combined and elastic. Allow to rest for 5 minutes.

5. Shape entire batter into one log, or form into smaller sausage shaped blobs. Wrap in tin foil, twisting the ends loosely so there is room for the seitan to expand. Bake for 60-70 minutes. Allow to cool. Store in the fridge or freezer. Use in any dish that normally calls for sausage or eat warmed in the oven like a bun. 🙂

Serves 4.

  1. After Mondays post that was a tempeh take on my chorizo seitan I’ve been obsessing over how to use my vital wheat gluten in new ways. This is going on the list. I love the nooch in it too!

  2. Hello,

    Would you have a recipe for bread made ​​with oat flour!

    thank you


  3. I have always said I don’t like seitan but I sort of like the sausages made of seitan so maybe i could come round to it. I would think that the reason your seitan was more bready than usual seitan is because it wasn’t kneaded as much as usual – it is the kneading that develops the gluten strings which have a big effect on the texture (if I understand it right – others can probably give you more expert advice) – but maybe I would like it more if it was more bready

    • Thanks for the tip, Johanna. I certainly didn’t knead this too long, that’s for sure. Although I really like the seitan from Vegan Diner and that one has basically no kneading at all. It is a much wetter batter and steamed, instead. Who knows…. the magic of seitan. 🙂

  4. Seitan is actually probably the only vegetarian protein source that I’ve never cooked with! Way to inspire me!

  5. Once again, your timing is uncanny. We had a Korean stirfry on Sunday and just felt like using seitan since it is more beef-like than tofu. Loved it, but felt a little guilty about having seitan and wondered WWJD? (What Would Janet Do?) Knowing that you don’t like processed type food and trying to avoid it myself, but as you said, it is something good that a plant can offer (albeit with a lot of human tweaking)…and with lots of added veggies, it seems worthwhile to have. Some of my fitness instructors will talk about exercising and eating well 80% of the week and goofing off/indulging a little with the other 20% percent. Personally, I like exercise so much that I WANT to do it daily and don’t want to eat much unhealthy stuff, but maybe a little tofu and seitan 2% of the time or so isn’t too terrible.

  6. I’ve always thought seitan was super hard to make. You may have given me faith.

  7. In truth, I’m not a huge fan of seitan. But, I’ve never made it. And, these sausage rolls look very impressive! So…maybe.

  8. well I don’t think i’ve ever tried seitan and now i’m intruiged… they look very nice and as I live with a veggie I know that many veggies sausages are revolting so if they work they work and we cant all be perfect. This is such an interesting post, thanks for entering this month x

  9. I used to make seitan all the time until I realized it didn’t agree with me. Oh how I miss it! Especially when you’ve made it look so delicious! Sausage rolls are huge in Ireland so when I lived there I was always so upset I couldn’t indulge in the cultural favourite. Oh how I wish I had had this recipe then! 🙂

    I think it’s ok to eat some processed foods as long as they are still nutritious. Protein powders fit that bill for me (at least some do)!

  10. Don’t think I have come across seitan before! wow how unusual, but they look really good. I have really learnt something from your blog. Great stuff.

  11. […] that made our jaws drop. As you know, I don’t usually eat mock meats (other than the seitan I’ve made myself), but they had an entire freezer aisle dedicated solely to vegan mock meats (see below: […]

  12. […] And when you want  a high protein boost, pick something like vital wheat gluten which is basically wheat protein powder.  Anyways, enough with the lecture, more about implementing high protein […]

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