janet @ the taste space

Archive for the ‘Mains (Vegetarian)’ Category

Favourite Books for Babies and Toddlers

In Mains (Vegetarian) on July 6, 2018 at 7:47 PM

Favourite Books for Babies and Toddlers

Hi there!

Long time no chat! Like, a really long time.

We’re doing well and instead of waiting to share a new recipe, I thought I’d tell you all about the books my baby toddler enjoys. I can’t believe it but he turned 2 last month, so he definitely is no longer my baby. I have wanted to compile a list like this for a long time, but to be honest, P did not really like books for a very long time. When he was smaller, he would always flip through them to finish before letting anyone read to him or even look at the pictures. He only started to sit with us for books once he was around 18 months. Read the rest of this entry »

Barbecue Baked Beans + Sheet Pan Suppers Meatless GIVEAWAY

In Favourites, Mains (Vegetarian), Sides on February 10, 2018 at 10:35 AM

Barbecue Baked Beans

This post is brought to you courtesy of our daycare with a random Saturday morning event. This meant a couple hours without our toddler baby. I couldn’t muster the energy to get to the gym (nor have I for the past year) but a relaxing morning creating a long-due blog post was a great idea.

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Red Lentil Soup with Roasted Garlic Chard + Awesome Vegan Soups

In Mains (Vegetarian), Soups on December 17, 2017 at 10:35 AM

Red Lentil Soup with Roasted Garlic Chard

Hi! Long time no write. As you may have noticed, I have had less time for blogging. With our active BNT (baby not toddler), he doesn’t let me access my computer unless he is asleep. And when he is sleeping, I’d like to relax, too. Or finish chores. Not that I like doing chores, but they need to get done and emptying the dishwasher is also difficult when he is awake and trying to help. Read the rest of this entry »

Breakfast Tofu + No Meat Athlete cookbook GIVEAWAY

In Breakfasts, Mains (Vegetarian) on October 13, 2017 at 7:59 AM


This might be called Breakfast Tofu but it is good for any meal of the day. A cumin-infused spice rub makes these quite flavourful and baking allowed the flavours to permeate the tofu. Serve, as is, as a slab of tofu with a side of vegetables, or use it as a filling for your next sandwich. I preferred the latter, but honestly, you could have caught me snacking from the pile in the fridge as well. Read the rest of this entry »

Slow Cooker Vegetable and Barley Stew + Boost Your Breastmilk GIVEAWAY

In Mains (Vegetarian), Soups on August 20, 2017 at 6:56 AM

Slow Cooker Vegetable and Barley + Boost Your Breastmilk review

We didn’t want to beĀ those parents. But only parents of premies might understand why we wanted to celebrate our son turning one year old, at his corrected age. We celebrated his actual birthdate a couple months ago but also invited people over two months later. We just didn’t tell anyone it was because we were celebrating on the inside. Read the rest of this entry »

Creamy Spinach Florentine Casserole

In Favourites, Mains (Vegetarian) on April 8, 2017 at 11:17 AM

Creamy Spinach Florentine Casserole

This dish is a favourite in our house. I first made it when I was pregnant, when I was craving all things cheezy and carby, and it was so good we continue to make it routinely.

I have only taken photographs once, and it was when I mistakenly added twice the amount of noodles, so it wasn’t as saucy. I recommend the full amount of sauce though. This is a saucy dish and the sauce is LOVELY. Creamy, yet not heavy. Read the rest of this entry »

Slow Cooker Creamy Coconut Lentils

In Mains (Vegetarian) on April 1, 2017 at 11:47 AM

Slow Cooker Creamy Coconut Lentils

I have scaled down the number of blogs I read. My RSS feeder is still full yet I rarely open it. My friends shared Lindsay and Bjork’s post from Pinch of Yum where they shared openly about the death of their son born at 23 weeks gestation. Twenty five weeks is usually the point where a baby might survive.Ā This hit me dear to my heart as I went into labour at 26 weeks. Thankfully, I was able to keep my guy cooking for another 7 weeks, but they experienced my worst fears. Read the rest of this entry »

Vegan Jamaican Patties

In Mains (Vegetarian) on March 25, 2017 at 9:31 AM

Vegan Jamaican Patties


Homemade food was one of my favourite gifts after the baby was born. We had little energy to do much other than take care of the baby, and having a freezer filled with meals we could easily extract was reassuring and comforting. Read the rest of this entry »

Slow Cooker Miso Molasses Baked Beans

In Mains (Vegetarian), Sides on March 18, 2017 at 8:48 AM

Slow Cooker Miso Molasses Baked Beans

So, I joined this thing called Instagram a while ago. And never shared anything. Until now.

It had nothing to do with my blog. Read the rest of this entry »

Cheezy Gnocchi & Peas

In Mains (Vegetarian) on February 4, 2017 at 9:15 AM

Cheezy Gnocchi & Peas

It might surprise you to learn I barely sit down these days. In between feeds, I have not been able to sit down for months.

When I was pregnant, people told me I’d be watching a lot of television while on my maternity leave. Nothing could be completely wrong.

Even though baby P is not crawling yet, the need for baby snuggles are real. However, our baby demands snuggles while standing. As soon as you sit down, he knows and will probably wake up and start to cry. It took me 5 months to figure out I could read my computer while standing and swaying if I brought it to the kitchen island. It is higher than my computer desk and I could work while standing. And as time passed, I started typing again.

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Root Cellar Medley Soup + Complete Root Cellar Book GIVEAWAY

In Mains (Vegetarian), Soups on January 28, 2017 at 8:01 AM

Root Cellar Medley Soup + Complete Root Cellar Book GIVEAWAY

You know it is a great soup when I make it two weeks in a row. It is not often that I repeat recipes in such rapid succession, but I only ate 2 servings and had planned to share it with our baby. I thought it was ok for him until I realized I used broth powder with salt in it.

Round two was solidified. Without any vegetable broth. The necessary salt was added after we removed baby P’s portion. Read the rest of this entry »

Winter One Pot Lentils & Rice + Ultimate Vegan Instant Pot Cookbook review

In Book Review, Mains (Vegetarian) on January 21, 2017 at 8:55 AM

Winter One Pot Lentils & Rice + Ultimate Vegan Instant Pot Cookbook giveaway

I am starting to Ā look at food in a different way now that we’re starting to feed our baby. I’ve been using my Instant Pot to cook lots of vegetables before I blitz them into purees. At first, we started with simple, single ingredients. Then we moved to combinations and eventually I started making our own meals without salt and then throwing them into the blender for a new puree. Lentils, rice and rutabaga with some spices sounds like an awesome baby puree!

Turns out heĀ loved it! Win! Read the rest of this entry »

Miso Fried Rice with Baby Bok Choy and Tofu

In Favourites, Mains (Vegetarian) on January 14, 2017 at 7:01 AM

Miso Fried Rice with Baby Bok Choy

I don’t know if other moms can relate but I am constantly running out of space on my phone and google account. I remember when I first opened my gmail account and it was meant to never run out of space. Yeah, um, not for parents.

Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t like I am taking tons of photos of my baby. I just happen to take a quick flurry of photos at one time, because much like a cat you can’t control, I never really know what kind of expression will be captured with each photo. Come to think of it, I have plenty of photos of my baby sleeping, since I like to share them with Rob as a form of my small accomplishments for the day. Getting the baby to sleep is never an easy feat. He does not nap very well.

For a while, we had some longer sleeps at night, which I could count on one hand. Provided I get some sleep, the continual feeding every 2-3 hours doesn’t bother me as much. It just means I keep trying to get him to sleep every 2-3 hours, too. Read the rest of this entry »

Early Bird Scrambled Tofu + Protein Ninja cookbook GIVEAWAY

In Book Review, Breakfasts, Mains (Vegetarian) on December 3, 2016 at 9:12 AM

Early Bird Scrambled Tofu + Protein Ninja cookbook GIVEAWAY

Tofu scrambles. We’ve made them plenty of times – dillicious, chili masala, curried dill, tahini chickpea, and mighty migas. And then there was the Revolutionary Savoury Egg Mix just waiting for a tofu scramble. They are all good but we makeĀ dilliciousĀ the most often, since we love it so. However, I have to tell you. We’ve found the chickpea scramble that rules them all. The BEST tofu scramble is right here. And it is deliciously doused in nutritional yeast and also sneaks in chickpeas.
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Slow Cooker Black Bean and Plantain Chili

In Favourites, Mains (Vegetarian) on November 26, 2016 at 8:30 AM

Slow Cooker Black Bean and Plantain Chili

Who else is a fan of plantains? They might seem like an exotic ingredient, but even here in Toronto, they are usually very reasonably priced and less expensive than sweet potatoes. However, unlike sweet potatoes, their shelf life is not as stable, as they can only last a few weeks until they turn all brown. I never buy them with a plan, other than panfry in coconut oil, but this recipe was excellent, and I’ll probably buy more plantains just to make it again, it was that good.
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