janet @ the taste space

Overnight Oat Parfait with Banana Soft-Serve Ice Cream (& RIP to my Food Processor)

In Breakfasts, Favourites on March 23, 2013 at 7:33 AM

Today is a sad day.

I retired my food processor.

1970s vintage cuisinart robot coupe food processor

It was older than me, Cuisinart Robot Coupe circa 1970s. A hand-me-down from my parents, to my brother and finally to me. You see, I had to wait for my brother to get married and receive a fancy brand new one. My kitchen changed completely once I finally grabbed hold of it, though. Homemade energy bars galore. Turned out I was the one laughing (until now), since this old processor was the best. It was a work-horse. Easy to clean. Loved more than the newer models. I learned a lot with it, such as:

1. Chop your bananas before you freeze them.

That was how I broke off both clips on the side of the bowl. Huge chunks of frozen bananas jumped around the bowl and snapped it off, literally.

Have no fear, that was nothing I couldn’t solve by holding it in place myself.

1970s vintage cuisinart robot coupe food processor

1970s vintage cuisinart robot coupe food processor

2. Do not overflow your food processor with fluids.

This was courtesy of Rob’s lesson. The overflowing liquid can make its way inside your food processor and get it to stop working.

Thank goodness my Dad knows how to open up a food processor and clean up the insides.

3. Cook your chickpeas.

This is another lesson from Rob. Processing soaked chickpeas (but not yet cooked chickpeas) broke his food processor (he only had it for a week) but this beast plowed through it.

4. Don’t give away extra bowls for your circa 1970s food processor.

Lesson courtesy of my Mom. Right before I had my first crack in my bowl, my Mom told me she had just given away/thrown out the extra food processor bowl she had been holding onto for the last 4 decades. 😉

5. Crazy glue only works temporarily.

The final straw for my food processor was when the little tip broke off. My Dad crazy glued it back in place, at my insistence. He was worried the whole thing would be glued shut. I proved him wrong. It still stuck together and moved! The problem, though: it snapped off again (while making The Great Vegetable Bolognese Sauce).

1970s vintage cuisinart robot coupe food processor

While I can manually stick that teeny piece back in its place, instead I decided to retire my food processor. *sigh* It is for my own safety.

I still remember the first time I tried the amazing 1-ingredient banana ice cream. Gena titled her post: “Banana Soft Serve: This Post Will Change Your Life”. And it was miraculous. However, without a food processor, it cannot be done. Something about the air whipping/melting the banana into a creamy soft pudding.  As much as I love my Vitamix, blenders can’t do it. Creamy smooth smoothies, yes, but simple ice cream? No.

Super simple, I rarely make it more complicated than a frozen banana. I have paired it with raw banana maca pancakes and stewed vanilla-scented peaches and blueberries. For a chocolatey treat, adding chocolate protein powder is a great recovery snack.

For its ultimate farewell, I teamed the banana soft-serve with another oldie-but goodie: overnight oats with chia seeds. I’ve shared versions with chocolate & cherries, avocado and gingerbread pumpkin, but this one was a classic vanilla-cinnamon combination.

Combined together, it is a glorious breakfast. And if it wasn’t so much of a fuss to clean the food processor, I’d gladly eat this every day.

I feel kind of bad since it is the bowl that needs replacing and not the motor unit. Sadly, Cuisinart does not sell replacement bowls any longer. I think my Mom tracked down a seller in San Francisco. The commute might kill the value.

What do you think? Time to give it the farewell party? How old is your food processor?

This is my submission to this month’s Breakfast Club for fruit.

Overnight Oat Parfait with Banana Soft-Serve Ice Cream

1/3 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
2 tbsp chia seeds
3/4 cup non-dairy milk
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla

1 just ripe banana, chopped into small pieces, frozen

1. Mix together rolled oats, chia seeds, milk, cinnamon and vanilla overnight. Two nights is alright, too, if you make a double batch.

2. In the morning, take the frozen banana, and whip until smooth in food processor (this may take 3-4 minutes, and test the ability of your food processor). Just let it run until the banana becomes creamy smooth, scraping down the sides as necessary.

3. Layer overnight mixture with 1/2 whipped banana, for the camera, otherwise just mix and enjoy!

Serves 1.

  1. How sad!!! I always feel bad when appliances like that break…because I’m so bad about replacing them! You got a lot of good use out of it though!

  2. RIP, food processor. Mine bit it a couple of years ago. I got a Black and Decker brand and love it… but what I REALLY love is my Vitamix. 🙂

  3. Sad times 😦 She was certainly a beauty! I haven’t tried banana soft serve in a food processor, just a magic bullet but will have to on your recommendation.

  4. Losing a beloved kitchen appliance is truly like losing an old friend! It looks like you and Mr. Cuisinart made many happy memories together. I hope your new food processor treats you just as well.

  5. So sad! I was handed down a Kenwood and hated it, tried to use it once, gave up. Last summer I bought a Thermomix and I’m in love, I bought the current model (TM31), my mother has a Thermomix from 1981 and it still works, same one we used as children to make milkshakes when allowed

  6. Rest In Delicious Peace, Food Processor. I’m sure any new processor you get will still like being hugged by you, though.

  7. Oh no! Your poor food processor. And yet – does this mean you will be getting a new one? Because that has the potential to be very exciting 🙂

    My mother made us frozen banana softserve in her 1980-era Magimix food processor as children. When I moved out and had a gap before being able to buy a food processor of my own, I went several years without it and it was horrible! Definitely don’t wait that long 🙂

    • I love it when I find out these new revelations (like banana ice cream) have been around for ages. Like when my Mom told me she used to sprout (wth??). We’ll see how long I can hold out without a food processor, but I imagine I will be getting a new one at some point. In the meantime, the blender will have to suffice. 🙂

  8. My food processor isn’t quite as old as yours (indeterminate age, at least 10 years I’d say) and is also a hand-me-down from my father. Mine is also a work horse, used to make copius amounts of salsa and dog food. I’m going to work that thing till it gives up the ghost! What a wonderful tribute to your kitchen friend. 🙂

    • Dog food! That’s awesome. What do you make for them?

      • I wish it was “them”, right now it’s just “her”, but hoping to add another rescue this year. Fingers crossed!
        I cook up a big pot of brown rice (2c), then add 4 shredded zucchini, 4 shredded carrots, 1 shredded apple and 1 shredded sweet potato. Each dinner she gets 8oz of turkey breast (chopped in the processor) and a supplement for all the nutrients. Yep, she’s spoiled! 🙂

  9. Haha! Might be time to upgrade! THIS from a woman who has sought out the Kitchenaid repair people in my areas (3X in three moves!) to find a source for the food bucket replacements! When you have a good appliance, it’s worth the effort! I’m sure your Cuisinart has been a good companion!

    As for this parfait? Sooo intriguing!

    • Trust me, I feel really bad because it is just the bowl that needs fixing. The new food processors have all these nooks and crankies that make them hard to clean.. this bowl was just so simple. Until I get a new one, I’ll see how far I can get with my vitamix. 😉

  10. RIP Mr. Cuisinart. That is a sad day indeed 😦 But this breakfast looks amazing!!

    I love all of your tips, but especially don’t overfill it with liquids. I think everyone learns this the hard way 😉

  11. I just got my Kitchenaid food processor a couple years ago and it made such a difference in my life! Gone are the days where I would have to skip by every recipe that called for one, and I definitely get a lot of use out of it now. Hope you can replace yours soon! I still haven’t learned to love the texture of overnight oats that have chia seeds, but I love the layering effect with banana ice cream – sounds like a tasty breakfast!

  12. I love that you have ice cream on your breakfast and it is still healthy – I only found a line on my blender attachment to advise where liquid should be filled to recently and felt guilty about all the times I had overfilled it – hope you find a food processor to love – the old ones looks so loved

  13. […] of great raw eats all week. I also ventured away from my standard chocolate oats, and re-entered overnight oats territory. For some odd reason, I usually only eat overnight oats when I have an empty container of […]

  14. […] time to warm up to Angela’s recipes but now I am enjoying them. She was the one to introduce overnight oat parfaits to me. My favourites so far have been her Creamy Mushroom Tomato Pasta, Millet Bowl with a […]

  15. […] ice cream. We knew that habit wasn’t sustainable, so we weaned ourselves to smoothies and banana ice cream. Next came the chips. TJ’s has SO.MANY many chips to try. The gateway chips were the black […]

  16. My classic Magimix is still alive and kicking, but I replaced the bowl. I also have a spare one, to stretch its lifespan even more. Here in Amsterdam I can still buy such spare parts in the specialist cook shop around the corner.
    One of the things I make with it is lebanese style felafel, that is, based on chickpeas rather than broad beans. The most efficient way is not to expose the meat knife to the soaked beans in the first round, but first to cut them up with the fine grating blade. The resulting mass can now easily be pounded into a mash with the meat knife.

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